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Due to the crisis, young people are looking for shorter careers with quick job opportunities

Leandro González said that the only thing he is clear about is that he does not know what to study after graduating from high school at the Pedro Álvarez School in Pocito. He maintained that due to the crisis and uncertainty it is very difficult for him to choose a career, although he will focus on those of short duration and with quick job exit. This is the situation faced by the majority of students who yesterday participated in the first day of the Educational Fairs of the National University of San Juan and the Catholic University of Cuyo. For this reason, they also dedicated a large part of the visit to finding out about the scholarships offered by both institutions. The Fairs continue today.

UNSJ. The secondary students who participated in the Educational Fair visited the stands of
all careers to find out about their duration and job opportunities.

Catalina Gómez, from the Fray Mamerto Esquiú School, likes “a lot” the Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources taught at UCCuyo, but she knows that her parents are not in a position to pay for a private degree. That’s why she became interested in Graphic Design, from UNSJ, because of her “quick job prospects.” “The crisis is more powerful than the vocation, but not more than the desire to study. That’s why I became interested in Design, which lasts 5 years but allows you to work in the field long before graduating,” said the student.

And there are several students who resign themselves to putting aside their vocation for economic reasons. At least that is what they could see at the Vocational Guidance stand at the UNSJ Fair. “Many kids raised this problem with us, so we try to help them choose a career that best suits their vocation and their economic reality. In addition, we explain that before choosing, they should take into account all the scholarships offered by the university so that they can fulfill their dreams. And that they analyze all this information well before choosing,” said Micaela Rivas, from the aforementioned stand.

UCCuyo. At the Educational Fair, students were able to experience the careers through simulations, as happened at the Criminalistics stand, where they simulated a murder.

The same situation was repeated at the UCCuyo Educational Fair, where, according to the organizers, this year there was a greater movement of students than the previous year. Guadalupe Díaz, from the Extension Secretariat, said that there were schools waiting for the Fair to open to enter to tour it. “The kids are going through a very difficult reality, but the positive thing is that they really want to study. That is why they not only focused on finding out about the scholarship system offered by the University, but also on new careers with quick job opportunities such as Criminal Sciences, Obstetrics and Physical Education. And we try to ensure that at the Fair they can experience them to help them choose,” said the woman.

In this sense, Díaz added that this year the UCCuyo Educational Fair includes simulation in the stands of most of the races. This is why in the Law position a trial is simulated, in the Chemical Sciences position, several experiments, and in the Criminalistics position, a murder, among other proposals.

> The fairs continue
The UNSJ Fair continues today at the Islas Malvinas University Complex (CUIM), in Rivadavia, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.. Also follow the UCCuyo Educational Fair, at the SUM, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.including a fair for entrepreneurial students.

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