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Former Vice President Mike Pence assured that: “USA. “The US and Colombia have lowered their guard in the fight against drugs”

Mike Pence declared that the US has neglected the fight against drugs in its policies – credit Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

At the 58th Asobancaria Banking Convention, held in Cartagena, Mike Pence, former vice president of the United States, harshly criticized his country’s policy in relation to Colombia and Latin America.

Among other issues, Pence affirmed that his country has left Colombia aside to pursue other interests and, furthermore, has decreased its efforts in the fight against illicit drugs.

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Pence highlighted the “weakness of the United States” and blamed the current government for this situation. He said this guidance has caused people to want a change in leadership. “I want to say that I am someone who does not believe in foreign intervention and when I was in Congress, as governor of Indiana and then as vice president, I was in favor of people making their decisions and respecting each other,” Pence said.

Regarding our country, he indicated that the vision of Colombia has changed significantly and to a certain extent, it has faded. According to the former vice president, the United States worked closely with allies like Colombia to promote freedom, but “the current US administration is focusing its attention on other areas and that is a problem,” he added.

Pence affirmed that the US Government has left Colombia and Latin America aside – credit Cheney Orr/Reuters

One of the factors that has contributed to this lack of attention towards Colombia is the collapse due to wars and the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Pence explained. However, he warned that the change in leadership of the United States should not be confused with the general feeling of its people towards Latin America.

In relation to Venezuela, Pence described President Nicolás Maduro as a dictator and criticized his policies, stating that they have harmed the United States. “President Joe Biden’s administration has not made good decisions against him,” he said.

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