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Employability table established in the Tarapacá Region – CEI News

With the participation of representatives from the public and private world, the employability table seeks to develop and implement effective strategies that improve the population’s access to employment, promote economic growth and social inclusion in our Tarapacá Region.

With a day of intense dialogue and exchange of opinions, the Employability Roundtable of the Tarapacá Region was formally established yesterday Thursday, an entity promoted throughout the country by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, through the National Training and Training Service. Employment, Sence; day attended by representatives from the public and private world such as: the Seremis of Economy, Labor, Mining and Public Works, director Senadis, director of the Migration Service, representatives of Secreduc, Women and Gender Equality, Minvu , Labor Observatory, Chilevalora, Red Tarapacá (Omil), Chilean Chamber of Construction, Association of Industrialists, Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Services and Tourism of Alto Hospicio, Empresa Portuaria de Iquique, Zofri, Teck and Cordillera, who committed to provide alternatives that support the creation of new jobs and reduce gender gaps in education, training and job placement.

After the protocol greetings, from the Seremi of Labor and Social Welfare, Ignacio Prieto Henríquez and from the director Sence Tarapacá, Iván Escares Díaz, the session continued with the presentation of the “Labor Economic Context of the Tarapacá Region”, by the Labor Observatory of Tarapacá in which a detailed diagnosis of the situation in the region was presented, analyzing variables such as economic indicators, employment, unemployment, informality, female participation, commuting employment, etc. which gave rise to an exchange of opinions and the commitment to look for alternatives that support productivity and reduce gender gaps in education, training and job placement.

On the occasion, the Seremi of Labor and Social Welfare, Ignacio Prieto, pointed out that “the constitution of the employability table is very important for the Tarapacá Region, since, based on public-private collaboration, it will help us directly address the main challenges facing our labor market, such as increasing local employment and reducing commutativity, promoting greater female participation mainly in masculinized sectors and addressing informality in self-employment.”

In the same direction, the regional director of Sence, Iván Escares, stated that “the main strength of this table is that it is made up of actors who represent the most important productive sectors in the region, which are key in the generation of new jobs. work, as well as government authorities and representatives of the State, who also generate employment through the

public investment, but at the same time we want the fruits of this governance to translate into greater opportunities for those people who have greater difficulties or barriers to accessing a job, I am referring to people with disabilities, women heads of household, young people and people over 50 years old, among others.”

The employability table is part of Sence’s permanent work for a better future, improving the productivity of our country, but above all transforming realities; so that everyone has the same opportunities to access employment, improve their quality of life and fulfill their dreams.

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