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The department will be beautified with the “Huila Bonito” strategy

In the Los Potros hall of the José Eustasio Rivera Convention Center in Neiva, the Huila Grande Government convened the mayors of the 37 municipalities of the department and different actors who, from the public and private sectors, work for tourism and the environment of the territory. huilense such as the CAM and the Surcolombiana University, among others.

The purpose, commit them to work for a “Huila Bonito”, a strategy that was officially launched by Governor Rodrigo Villalba Mosquera.

“We are a tourist and agricultural power. We want to embrace that Huila Grande, through a Huila Bonito, and we are going to do it as it is done at home, with simple details, such as the improvement of the facades and the decoration at the entrances of all the municipalities of Huila” said the Governor of Huila.

“This strategy is connected to the execution of public works such as the construction of road infrastructure, where there will be contributions to the environment and the beautification of the surroundings of the works that impact the communities. I dream of trees that change the color of their leaves in different climates and landscapes, I dream of a Huila Bonito,” added the Governor.

The president of Huila also stated that the community must commit to taking care of works such as the footprint plates, so that they take care of these investments, and with this, improve the vehicle flow and the appreciation of the land in each municipality.

For his part, Ramiro Adolfo Muñoz Calderón, coordinator of this strategy, explained that “Huila Bonito” is an explosion of creativity in the municipalities generating attractive landscapes for locals and tourists.

“It is the use of urban and rural areas to make this transformation of spaces especially linked to the public works led by the Government of Huila. Arborization at the entrance of the municipalities, plan facades in the houses of the municipalities and other beautification actions of the territories, including tourist routes adorned with illustrations that evoke history, gastronomy, culture and traditions in each locality of Huila” said the Civil Engineer and Master in Engineering and Environmental Management.

Huila Bonito, citizen participation and environment

The strategy proposes the promotion of citizen participation in the creation of environmentally sustainable and landscape environments, through public road infrastructure works promoted by the Departmental Government. Likewise, the mitigation of the environmental impact generated by works through the improvement of the environments of the intervened areas.

Some of the goals set forth in the strategy contemplate that 100% of the road works carried out go with the improvement of environmental and landscape environments at the expense of citizens. That the 37 municipalities of Huila share a vision of environmental sustainability and ecotourism development. And that 50% of the intervened road works have tree planting processes and 100% of the areas recovered for pedestrian mobility outside these roads.

The mayors were linked to the strategy

At the end of the official presentation of the strategy, the mayors signed a macro agreement between the Municipalities, the Departmental Government and the CAM, where they commit to carrying out government actions that promote the fulfillment of this strategy in their territories and achieve beautification of their environments.

“I feel that this is what Huila expected and wants with great urgency. That within the departmental order and the municipalities, a program is offered that provides a beautiful infrastructure to visitors and the inhabitants themselves. It is the best thing that can happen to the municipalities and it was time to include the environment in all development works” José Alfredo Muñoz, mayor of Isnos.

“This strategy led by our governor of Huila is excellent. Huila Bonito unites us with all the 37 municipalities of the department and we are very ready not only to sign the agreement as we have done with great hope, but with everything within our reach to achieve the noble purpose that this initiative pursues”, Fernando Alipio Solano, mayor of Tello,

“It is a very interesting proposal because it helps us show our municipalities in the best way. “We are going to fully comply with all the aspects required by this strategy because it pursues something very important and that is the territorial beautification that becomes so attractive for locals and tourists,” Alberto Toledo, mayor of Guadalupe.

Santana-Mocoa-Neiva Route with “Huila Bonito”

At the launch of “Huila Bonito”, a special chapter had the presentation on how the work of the Santana-Mocoa-Neiva concession is going, whose progress was presented by the Manager of the Ruta al Sur SAS Concession, Juan Carlos María Castañeda.

One of these advances is that the functional unit 1 Neiva – Campoalegre, where in 21 kilometers there will be 5 returns for the dual carriageway and where the environmental challenge has already been overcome, now has 18.5 kilometers of voluntary land disposal from the 21.5 km that are required in that area to advance with the works.

Likewise, within his presentation, the manager of the Concessionaire highlighted the generation of jobs in the construction of this 4G Highway, and where Huila reaches 1,765 employees, while for Putumayo there are 1,501 and for Mocoa, 239.

“The Concessionaire is willing to make compensations in environmental licenses in several road corridors where we join Huila Bonito,” said the manager of the Ruta al Sur Concessionaire.

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