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Indigenous protest in Huila generates intermittent closures on Route 45

Indigenous people who are part of the minga in the municipality of El Hobo, in the center of Huila, await the presence of the national government to advance the agreed agreements of 2023. They decided to locate at the Los Cauchos toll between Neiva and Campoalegre and close the road intermittently.

Reinel Torres, political advisor of the Regional Indigenous Committee of Huila, stated in one of the statements through the CRIHU virtual page that, If this Friday the Government is not present in the area, they may continue with the closure of Route 45 and free passage through the toll at no cost.

“We see that the response of the national government, to date, has been null. Once again the institutions and some officials of the national government fail to comply with the minga of the ancestral peoples of Huila. We call on the national government, to the departmental government, so that effective responses are brought to the points that we have brought that are part of the agreements,” said the community leader.

For his part, Bernardino Menza, senior advisor of the CRIHU, expressed that the minga continues indefinitely. until the national government is present in the El Pescador sector, in the municipality of El Hobo, where the largest concentration of indigenous peoples is.

“We will be here until the national government arrives so that we can advance agreements on various issues such as education, security, roads, the issue of land, we want to clarify that we are not against the government, we just want to reach agreements that have not been fulfilled.” , But if the ministers we are waiting for do not arrive, it will be difficult for us to leave this territory,” he said.

In fact, the intermittent blockades of the road by the indigenous minga have generated trauma in the vehicular flow and economic losses due to non-payment of toll rates, as reported by the Ruta al Sur Concessionaire.

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