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The fire next to the San José de Castelló cemetery, close to the one from a month ago, has been stabilized

CASTELLÓ (MF/EP). This Friday, around 3:00 p.m., a fire broke out in an area near the San José de Castelló cemetery, with similar characteristics to the one that occurred just a month ago in the same location. A total of six municipal fire crews have traveled to the place, an open field near the Illes Columbretes school and the old Viveros Molina, as reported by Emergencies on their X – old Twitter account.

After 4:00 p.m. a helicopter was mobilized to try to put out the fire. Finally, at 5:30 p.m. the fire was stabilized, according to sources from the Castelló Security Area. On the other hand, it has been recommended to abandon the homes near the perimeter marked by the fire due to a risk of smoke inhalation.

At the site of the fire that affects the Mestrets area, 26 municipal firefighters with 6 fire engines, Local Police, Mobility Agents, National Police, Police of the Attached Unit and municipal health services are working, as a preventive measure, with Life Support Basic and Quick Intervention Support. Means that have been supported by health resources from the Generalitat.

The mayor, Begoña Carrascotogether with the Councilor for Security and Emergencies, Antonio Ortola; the mayor of Barrios, Paco Cabañero and the deputy mayor of the Western district, Vincent Sales, has traveled to the Advanced Command Post to check the progress of the extinguishing work and convey a message of calm. The first mayor highlighted “the quick action of the troops who managed to stabilize the fire in which fortunately there were no personal injuries.”

This is the second fire that has broken out in the same area in just a month. Thus, on May 6, a fire broke out on a plot of land in the Quadra Borriolench, on the side of the San José cemetery, which forced the evacuation of eight people from a settlement, according to the Local Police.


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