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He stole a horse as a joke without knowing how to ride, collided with a car and flew away with the animal and everything – Publimetro Colombia

The Argentine press reports that it began as a joke and ended with a shocking accident, which was recorded by cameras in the town of Rosario, Argentina, and which has now become a viral recordreports the newspaper Crónica.

A 16-year-old boy had the “great” idea of ​​stealing a horse without knowing how to ride, as part of a joke and minutes later he was involved in a cinematic which both the boy and the animal flew when they were hit by a vehicle.

Crónica detailed that “a 16-year-old teenager who stole a horse as a prank in Rosario, lost control of the animal, and “They ended up hit by a car, in an impressive traffic accident that was filmed.”

The fate of the jokers and the horse

According to the Argentine publication, the events occurred “this Monday at noon at the intersection of Maradona and Pasaje 1418 streets, in the Vía Honda neighborhood, when the young man suffered the impact of a Fiat Duna.”

What the records of a street camera show is a very strong impact of the young man riding the horse with the car. The press acknowledged that the two “could have been seriously injured, although, fortunately, both are in good health.”

The teenager spoke to local media where he assured that the “theft” of the horse was a “joke” he made on a neighbor, who owned the animal. “I got on the horse, it started running and I couldn’t stop it,” the young man detailed to Telefe Rosario.

The protagonist of the events assured that he never managed to control the horse, he barely got on it. “The car accelerated more and lifted me up,” the young man said. According to Crónica, the teenager “only suffered minor injuries to his legs, back and waist, while the horse is in good health and with its owners.

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