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Montería will have greater 5G coverage at the end of the year, the rest of Córdoba will have to wait two more years

Montería, the capital of the department of Córdoba, will have greater 5G network coverage by the end of 2024, as announced by the Minister of Information and Communication Technologies, Mauricio Lizcano. However, the other municipalities in the department will have to wait two more years to access this technology.

Minister Lizcano reported on the progress in the installation of 5G antennas in the country, after the auction processes and the launch by the operators. In Colombia, 150 antennas have been installed, of which three are in Montería, specifically in the northern area of ​​the city, but it is expected that by the end of the year the coverage will grow exponentially and cover larger areas.

“Many citizens can already enjoy it, but we are seeing important progress. “First we are going to reach Montería, we are not going to reach all the municipalities at first,” stated the minister. As established in the auction, capital cities will initially be prioritized, and it is expected that by the end of the year the 5G network will be well installed in Montería.

For the rest of the municipalities of Córdoba, the wait will be longer. Minister Lizcano pointed out that it will take more than two years for 5G technology to reach these locations, according to what was stipulated in the auction.

The implementation of the 5G network in Montería will allow users to access significantly faster download and upload speedsas well as lower latency in data transmission of up to 10 gigabits per second This will open new opportunities in areas such as telemedicine, virtual education, the internet of things and the development of smart cities.

Telecommunications operators are working on the installation of the antennas necessary to cover the city of Montería. It is expected that in the coming months the pace of deployment will accelerate, as the logistical and technical challenges inherent to this new technology are overcome.

Meanwhile, the inhabitants of the other municipalities of Córdoba will have to wait until 2025 to be able to enjoy the benefits of the 5G network.

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