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Secretary of Health of the Atlantic confirms that

The Secretary of Health of the Atlantic andHe delivered a report of tranquility to the department, since at the moment there is no scientific evidence of the presence of the Oropouche virus in the territory.

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The Secretary of Health of the Atlantic, Luis Carlos Fajardo Jordanalerted the population to be attentive if they present symptoms such as those mentioned so that they approach medical services, since it could be dengue.

He indicated that the Department’s Epidemiological Surveillance System (SIVIGILA) has analyzed serological samples, but none of them have detected the presence of this virus, which is transmitted by the Culicoides Paraensis mosquito, however surveillance remains in force in case of any possible case.

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The agency noted that the virus has an incubation period of 4 to 8 days, the onset is sudden, it generally presents symptoms such as fever, headache (headache), bone pain and/or joints, shaking chillsand sometimes nausea accompanied by vomiting persistent up to 5 to 7 days, as well as occasionally it can occur aseptic meningitis.

However, most cases recover within seven days and in some patients convalescence may take weeks.

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It should be noted that in the country, a study published at the end of 2022, carried out by the National University of Colombia, reported 87 cases occurred between 2019 and 2021, in four cities in the country: Cúcuta (3 cases), Cali (3 cases), Leticia (43 cases) and Villavicencio (38 cases), which were identified through retrospective laboratory analysis of samples of cases of acute febrile illness. The cases were confirmed by the laboratory at its headquarters in Medellin and its results were corroborated by the National Reference Laboratory of the National Institute of Health in 2023.

The Health Secretary The department also recommended that citizens take measures to prevent mosquito bites.

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He also urged the ID and elimination of the development and resting places of the vectors, by avoiding the accumulation of waste that serves as reproduction and resting sites of the vector. mosquito; Likewise, monitor the filling or drainage of water, ponds or temporary flooding sites that can serve as places of oviposition of the females and larval nurseries of mosquitoes; also eliminate weeds around the houses.

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