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Argentina and the reality of living in a continuous tsunami

The panorama is framed by the ruinous state in which Kirchnerism left the country and the seizure of power by Javier Milei with his particular personal characteristics, his libertarian anarcho-capitalist ideas and the lack of team with the consequent management deficit.

This combination of realities presents us with situations, events, decisions, measures, conflicts, attacks every day, in a succession that makes daily reality similar to being on a permanent roller coaster in the middle of a continuous tsunami. Without respite or respite.

1) Half a sanction in deputies for improvement in retirements: The scenario looked complicated from the beginning, when the president referred to the legislative caste. The lion raised his usual tone. Legislative representatives are rats, to say the least, and permanent actors in blockages and delays in government actions in their response.

In this specific case, two key issues stood out:

TO) the tacit alliance, with previous negotiations that were clearly exposed, despite the vacuous denials, between Kirchnerism and radicalism. Difficult to foresee and even digest for many standing radicals. Aside from the obvious support of the Pichetto Peronist boys (the most annoying and angry with the contemptuous, humiliating and sometimes even aggressive treatment that Milei gives them), which took the form of a half-sanction.

B) The cost of increasing retirement pay for the future, with weak arguments as to where the funds would come from to cover the increase.

Necessary affirmation: the adjustment that retirees have been suffering for years is unfair, painful and even cruel. Repair is undoubtedly required; but the path is narrow and the funds must ensure that they do not continue in the madness of deepening the fiscal deficit that has been one of the causes of the current disaster.

The alliance that exceeded 2/3 of the vote and modifies the remuneration of retirees forward, represents a danger, according to the government, for the backbone of its economic program; that there is no more fiscal deficit. Non-negotiable for the government, stated the president and the Chief of Ministers. If the veto is not enough, funds will be cut from other items. Attention governors.

2) Rejection to eliminate privilege retirements: In this case the wave heights of the permanent tsunami were shocking. Obviously the opposition of Kirchnerism was assured. Pichetto’s argument was surprising, a chameleonic specimen of a K-Peronism that is difficult to grasp and understand. “They want a president to go ask for work in a factory,” he snapped. It wouldn’t be something to criticize or insult, but that’s not the point.

Presidents who cease their duties must have a dignified retirement in accordance with the investiture they held. The highest, perhaps, within the range of all pensions.

Not about privilege or the amounts they receive. They do not affect the amounts they receive to the treasury or the national accounts, but it would be a good testimony and example for the entire country and especially for the suffering passive class if the values ​​were not the amount that some favored people receive.

A criminal like Amado Boudou receives a privileged retirement and two payments that total 15 million pesos, the one sentenced by oral court, Cristina Kirchner: True privileged caste and supported by the legislative caste.

3) The embarrassing setbacks of a libertarian national representative from Mendoza: Due to the immense support in votes that Javier Milei obtained in Mendoza, Lourdes Arrieta, candidate in third place, unexpectedly acceded to the national deputyship. For what has been appreciated until now without conditions for the responsibility granted by the people.

Symbolism in his personal presentation of bad taste: he showed off at a commission meeting in Deputies with a duckling on his head. Bad kisch taste to the extreme of ridiculousness.

Regarding the politics of La Libertad Avanza, apparently with the consent or imposition of Karina, she appears as the boss in Mendoza. Her leadership is exercised by her family; brother and father side by side. If libertarians in general lack efficient management, in this case the damage is great.

In pursuit of the constitution of LLA as a party in Mendoza, people who do not have that will nor were consulted appear as adherents in the lists presented, such as the case of Orly Terranova, and deceased persons, such as the father of former senator Pablo Priore. (incidentally, having finished his lackluster career as a legislator, he continues to live off the provincial state in a position close to the vice governor Hebe Casado. He places friends and close friends at will in positions with interesting remunerations). Lourdes will have to provide explanations for the preparation of that list.

In her capacity as the highest libertarian leader in the province, assumed by her or granted that category by Karina, we reiterate, she placed Carlos Soloa Vacas at the head of the Mendoza regional Pami and quickly displaced him, without sufficient argumentation. She lasted what a sigh. Personal whim or that of a close family member, recklessness or unprejudiced and whimsical driving?

An important body that deals with health care for older adults, populated for years by Kirchnerist campers who have acted at their discretion and unscrupulous, requires intelligent, effective action with rigor and millimetric precision, totally removed from what is carrying forward Lourdes and her intimate family group. The father on the phone asked the boss they had appointed to resign and demanded that he also remove the accountant he had appointed.

Useless and irresponsible, also abusive, granting power to her father and brother who apparently practice fraudulent management on the list of supposed LLA adherents and exercise power via telephone by firing hierarchical officials. Without capacity and excessive in the exercise of power.

Niceties of Argentina at the top of the roller coaster.

4) The markets do their thing: and politics too. The rise in the free and financial dollar and the increase in country risk by 250 points appeared in this case in the highest roller coaster of those that proliferate in Florida. We know the propensity for immediate price transfer when the blue dollar rises. Danger of more inflation.

Politics helped with this problem with its usual fervor. Sandra Pettovello, her close team and her own clumsiness, plus the always ubiquitous and measured Juan Grabois, actors in the unfortunate soap opera of food in storage.

Inefficiency, inefficiency, exploitation, obscene display in courts, with troubled judges and expressions of fearful discomfort, collaborated in the market stampede.

Also the extreme opposition and the “supposedly willing to collaborate”; radicals forward, forward without ceasing and the self-defined republican and federal Peronists, put their mountain of sand.

The enormous management difficulty of the ruling party should not be ignored. Some officials (of those who remain) and the majority of legislators cause astonishment.

The labeling of the deputies who voted for the law as “fiscal degenerates” completed the destructive combo.

You have to pay close attention because the purpose of eliminating the fiscal deficit cannot be jeopardized. It is put at risk by the daily tsunami.

5) The contribution of Monsignor García Cuerva and the village priests: The dining room set up in the Metropolitan Cathedral on the eve of the Cáritas collection and accurately disseminated, was not innocent. Something similar did not happen during the previous administration and with poverty rates also very high.

Poverty and hunger tear daily life and hurt the soul. Its use by a sector of the Church increases the power of the tsunami that does not subside.

The points indicated, on the contrary, increase the destructive desire of the continuous national tsunami. Dangerous and irresponsible.

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