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They warned of a sharp increase in disability pensions in Entre Ríos from 2003 to 2023

The national Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, published a post on the social network

The phenomenon, which prima facie escapes all reasonable logic, seems to have had an even more surprising version in Entre Ríos, published The Between Rivers.

Carlos Pagni, in his column this Thursday, took note of Francos’ message and also of the Entre Ríos numbers.

“The pension system – he wrote – presents scandalous distortions. In other words: the healthiest thing would be for the improvement in pensions to be part of a reform that eliminates the aberrations. The Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, published a striking statistical table on disability pensions. In 2003 there were 79,581 and last year there were 1,215,548. There were provinces where this jump was more enigmatic. Entre Ríos, for example, went from having 1,895 benefits to 44,723. Corrientes was from 2138 to 72,382. And Chaco went from 4,637 to 99,087. It is amazing how the amount remained almost unchanged during the years of Mauricio Macri. And it increased incessantly during those of Peronism. It is Macri’s well-known thaumaturgic power to avoid health dramas for the population. On the other hand, during Kirchnerism, a war seems to have occurred.”

Francos’ tweet, in addition to the table with the numbers by jurisdiction, summarizes: “In 2003 there were 79 thousand disability pensions. Year after year they increased, with the exception of President Macri’s period, until reaching 1,215,000 in 2023, which represents an annual cost of USD 3 billion.

And it continues: “An audit by @andiscapacidad on 3,000 pensions taken at random showed that 80% did not meet the minimum requirements to be granted. Projected to total pensions, this implies an expenditure of USD2.4 billion annually without foundation.”

Finally, Francos took the opportunity to question the deputies who approved the new retirement formula: “This is how irresponsible was the government of those who this morning resolved to increase retirement benefits at a cost of half a point of GDP without the State having the necessary resources to face it.”

The growth of pensions in Entre Ríos

According to the table published by Francos, it is clear that in 2003 disability pensions in Entre Ríos were 1,895 and in 2023 they had risen to 44,723.

But if you look at the changes year after year, it is evident that there are periods where growth accelerated. Especially, between 2008 and 2015, where it jumps from 10,307 to 35,873.

From 2015 onwards the figures stabilize and even between 2018 and 2019 there was a slight decrease. Finally, it climbs again between 2020 and 2023.

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