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They capture two alleged members of the Clan del Golfo in the south of Córdoba


According to the Police authorities in Córdoba, these subjects would be known in the criminal world with the aliases of ‘Saint Daniel’ and ‘Monster’. Both were captured in Montelíbano and Puerto Libertador, south of Córdoba, for their alleged responsibility in the crime of conspiracy.

Investigations would indicate that these men would be part of the substructure Rubén Darío Ávila Martínez of the Gulf Clanwho commits crimes in this section of the country.

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“The evidence shows that aliases ‘San Daniel’ and ‘The Monster’, would be accused of belonging to the ‘Rubén Darío Ávila Martínez’ substructure of the ‘Clan del Golfo’, in charge of alerting about the movements of the Public Force (observers or points), storing and transporting firearms“, was indicated by the Police in Córdoba, led by Colonel Jhon Fredy Suárez.

According to what was established, these men also had notes for the crimes of trafficking, manufacture or possession of narcotics, and trafficking of substances for the processing of narcotics. Both were left at the disposal of the competent judicial authority.


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