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Lutz: “The entire Government is defending the Rio Negro producers”

In statements to LU19, Lutz stated that “the elimination of the barrier, changing the status of the province, would be a central decision that would go against regional production, and especially Rio Negro production. “It is a totally unjustified determination, which benefits certain economic groups and worsens the quality and value of Rio Negro producers.”

“Both from the provincial legislature and from Governor Alberto Weretilneck himself, from all levels of the Government we are demonstrating against it,” he asserted.

In that sense, he indicated that “in no way can we allow that to happen, because we have a large number of Rio Negro producers who have the right to be defended, and who have made a great effort. Furthermore, the current status generates a differential income for the Province of Río Negro, something that we cannot lose.”

“We are discussing it in all the forums; Minister Carlos Banacloy has been at the forefront of this defense, and our legislative bloc is accompanying. It is a very solid position of the provincial government, to maintain the Patagonian health status,” he concluded.


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