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The story behind Villa Icha, the largest archaeological find in Valledupar

Within the framework of the second Valledupar Book Fair, Felva 2024two researchers told how they had worked for three years on the analysis and study of Vicha Icha, the archaeological discovery located in the township Valencia de Jesús, from Valledupar.

More than 210 assistants worked in this investigation. Aguas Blancas and Valencia de Jesúsand 80 archaeologists with different specialties, and allowed the recovery of more than 6.1 million ceramic fragments; large concentrations of cultural material; human and fauna bone remains, charcoal, lithic artifacts and complete or fragmented vessels.

The workers were in the area from January 2021 to April 2022, when the findings were transferred to laboratories: in White Waters micro-excavation of vessels and washing of archaeological material was carried out; In Santa Marta the ceramic classification was carried out, and in Bogotá the classification of ceramics, analysis of lithics and miscellaneous objects was carried out.

Apparently, they lived in that territory for at least 2,000 years, between the 5th century BC and the 14th century AD, the Chimila population, who suffered extermination by the Spanish. According to the researchers, the results found allow us to conclude that the people who inhabited that time He was in acceptable health because the average life span was over 40 years..

“That age in pre-Hispanic times was a high life expectancy. The infant mortality rate was low. In addition, we found a high recovery from injuries. It is evident that they were well cured and the people lived many years longer.. It shows that there was great social cohesion,” said Gabriel Calderón, coordinator of the Ingetec research project.


During the investigation They microexcavated 352 vessels, of which 81 contained human bone remains. Apparently, death was a sacred act and was divided into three phases. The first thing was the preparation of the individual, which included cremation and the preparation of the grave. Second, burial, which consisted of burying the person. And the third phase of the ritual consisted of obtaining bone structures and using them on the corpse of the recently dead.

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