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The official chatbot of Chaco incorporates information on sports, culture and tourism – CHACODIAPORDIA.COM

The Secretary of Cabinet Coordination Livio Gutiérrez announced this Friday the incorporation of information from the Sports, Culture and Tourism institutes to the Provincial Government chatbot “Ipita”. This is a WhatsApp channel that can be accessed with the telephone number 362-4300002.

The chatbot, called Ipita (believe in Qom language), is a virtual assistance tool where you can find information about different services and events carried out by the State. It is a simple and personalized official communication channel.

“We work to unify official activities in an easy, fast and safe way for users,” said Gutiérrez after reporting that the chatbot, in addition to incorporating more information, changed its logo. “It is a way to centralize official activities, to which later we will add private activities,” he anticipated.

In tourism option 5 you can access tourist maps of the province, travel agencies, national and provincial parks, recommendations of places to visit, among many other important information.

While, option 6 provides information on sports activities, sports spaces, applications, among others. And in 7, which is culture, the user accesses the cultural agenda, cultural centers, museums, the International Sculpture Biennial, among other events of the institute.

Gutiérrez was accompanied by the Undersecretary of State Modernization, Federico Valdés; and the heads of the Sports institutes, Fabio Vazquez; of Culture Mario Zorrilla; and Martín Braillard Poccard from Tourism.

Quick access to relevant information

Undersecretary Valdés recalled that the chatbot was key for entrepreneurs throughout the province to access financing lines. “The experience was very good, the purpose is to provide useful and quick information to citizens,” he said.

Zorrilla highlighted the importance of the chatbot in the compilation of cultural events not only from museums or cultural houses, but also from neighborhood centers where alternative activities are carried out close to local communities.

The Vice President of Tourism referred to Ipita as an information multiplier tool that also has an impact on the environment since it eliminates brochures. “It is a means where tourists access the wide tourist offer that Chaco has,” he added.

Along the same lines, Vázquez emphasized quick access to information not only for residents of certain cities, but also for those who move to others and find a sporting event to attend.

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