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The changes in the Government continue: an official from the Chief of Staff who had arrived with Posse left

Nicolás Posse and Guillermo Francos, days before the changes in the Chief of Staff

In almost 6 months of management, one of the characteristics of the Government is the constant movement of officials, between appointments and resignations. And the departure of Nicolás Posse from the Chief of Staff, with the subsequent arrival of Guillermo Francos, caused a strong movement in that area.

Today, the Government made official the departure of another official who had arrived at the hands of Posse: it’s about the lawyer Josefina María Isabel Sanz, who was in charge of the State Simplification Secretariat, who had been officially appointed on December 20. She did so through Decree 503/2024 signed by Francos himself.

The area in charge of Sanz has as its objective, among other things, the “de-bureaucratization of the procedures and processes of the National, provincial, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and municipal Public Sector, articulating actions with the areas with specific competence”, of according to official information. In short, he supported the State’s deregulation policy, one of the flags of the libertarian management.

The permanent “drip” in the Chief of Staff responds to the restructuring of the area that Francos has been in charge of since his inauguration days ago, with the departure of the people who were part of the Posse work team.

“Posse is now history,” said President Javier Milei himself days ago, who decided to change his Chief of Staff in the strongest move of his Cabinet since he became President.

The departure of Posse and the arrival of Francos had as its objective “provide greater political volume to the Chief of Staff”, according to what was officially reported by the Office of the President when announcing the change.

Francos, Posse and President Javier Milei, during the event for May 25 in Córdoba. Photo: REUTERS/Leandro Bustamante Gomez

In addition, he highlighted that the new Chief of Staff “will contribute his professionalism, experience and political capacity” to the position of coordinating minister, “after successfully holding the position of Minister of the Interior, having been one of the architects of the feat that brought Javier Milei to the Presidency, and being recognized by all political forces for his management capacity and consensus”.

Along with Posse, the controller of the Federal Intelligence Agency left the National Government, Silvestre Sivoriwhose replacement was also made official today: it is Sergio Darío Neiffert, who will also report directly to the Presidency.

The former AFI controller resigned shortly after Posse was removed from the Government and replaced by Guillermo Francos. At that time, Neiffert’s name was already resonating as a possible new head of the spies. Until now, the designated official served as representative of the Executive Branch before the Matanza Riachuelo Basin Authority (ACUMAR).

With the appointment of Sívori, the agency’s intervention became official. Thus, the national government began a stage of the AFI that had the objective of “reviewing the use of reserved funds” and the purchases and contracting carried out during the previous administration.

Upon confirming the departure of Sívori, the now Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francosannounced that a new reform process will be launched in the AFI’s operating scheme.

“We must think exactly about a reorganization of intelligence in Argentina. There has to be outside intelligence to be clear about what is happening in the world. And there has to be internal intelligence, to think about what is happening with organized crime, with drug trafficking, with borders. For that we have to use specialists that exist and that there are not in the country either,” stated the Chief of Staff.

In this regard, Francos recognized that “many times the AFI, as is public knowledge, has been used in previous times for other issues that have little to do with internal and external intelligence and we should have one organism or two divided organisms, where each “One with that function is in charge of analyzing these issues that are important for any strategic decision of the country.”

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