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Did you feel it? Strong earthquake shook Antioquia this Friday afternoon

02:17 PM

An earthquake of magnitude 3.6 on the Richter scale, with a superficial depth of no less than 30 km, it was felt in Antioquia at 12:58 in the afternoon this Friday, June 7. The epicenter was in Murindó, located in the Urabá subregion.

Also read: Strong earthquake of magnitude 4.4 shook the center of the country in the early hours of this Friday

In addition to Murindó, he also felt Vigía del Fuerte, Carmen del Darién (Curbaradó) and in the department of He crashed.

So far, there are no reports of major damage or injuries as a result of the earthquake that was felt most strongly in the Urabá area.

Find out: Did you feel them? Four earthquakes were recorded in Antioquia in the early hours of this Friday

This Friday another tremor was also felt in The Saints, Santander, which had a magnitude of 3.7 and a depth of 150 km.

The National Unit for Risk and Disaster Management (UNGRD) indicates that when an earthquake or any other emergency occurs, The key is to stay calm, This will allow you to act with greater security.

To the extent you have prepared, documented, and participated in drills, what to do with your family, the easier it will be to face the emergency situation.


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