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The Government appeals to the provinces to gain air after a black week

Governors, the key to oxygenate La Libertad Avanza

The buckling of Union for the Homeland (UP), the Radical Civic Union (UCR) and We Make the Federal Coalition to give half sanction to the new project retirement mobility in Deputies set a bad precedent for the Government, which fears that the effect will spread to other initiatives. In this framework, Francos and his people will have to fight, once again, with the provinces. Qparadoxically, the possibility of Milei oxygenating his administration will come precisely from some of his favorite enemies: the governors.

To avoid another shipwreck, the Chief of Staff took personal charge of the negotiations. Throughout May, the services provided in the Lower House, When the legislators gave the green light to the Pocket Version Bases law, they began to be reflected in the provincial accounts.

According to the head of the Argentine Institute of Fiscal Analysis (IARAF), Nadín Argañarazthe collection of Income Tax – which is co-participatory – May would be the highest in 27 years, increasing 80% year-on-year in real terms. According to the specialist, the main reason for this record is due to the fact that, with such a significant devaluation of the peso in December 2023, companies with dollarized assets registered significant capital gains, which implied that they paid much more income tax.

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“In May, the companies that closed their balance sheet in December 2023 paid the balances of the sworn statements. May 2024 would be the best May in the last 27 years. The second best record was in 2004. This collection would imply a surplus of $2,448,000 million in constant currency in May 2024 compared to the same month last year”, Argañaraz detailed.

In parallel, as anticipated Ambit, The Government’s approval for the transfer of public works to the provinces began to materialize. It is not a minor issue: According to a survey carried out by this medium, It was among the main concerns of leaders throughout the country. Throughout the week, they paraded through the office of Francos chiefs from different teams with the aim of sealing agreements in that regard.

Martin Llaryora (Cordova); Rogelio Frigerio (Between rivers); Leandro Zdero (Chaco); Alfredo Cornejo (Mendoza); Carlos Sadir (Jujuy); Ignacio Torres (Chubut); and Rolando Figueroa (Neuquén) were part of the first platoon that, separately, visited Balcarce 50. Most of them were leaders of Together for Change (JxC) and all of them had acceptable dealings with the libertarian administration. There were also contacts with Axel Kicillof’s management.

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They were not the only ones who landed in Buenos Aires. Pay attention to another front, A dozen mayors from the Federal Network of Mayors brought to Congress their own bill that seeks to modify the Fuel Tax to redistribute it and revive transportation subsidies, which were eliminated with the dissolution of the Interior Compensation Fund. In a double day, which included meetings in the Deputies and the Senate, the communal leaders raised their demands.

They participated, among others, Daniel Passerini (Cordova); Pablo Javkin (Rosary beads); Rosario Romero (Paraná); Martin Perez (Rio Grande); Juan Pablo Poletti (Santa Fe); Mariano Gaido (Neuquén); and Jorge Jofre (Formosa). The week before the scrum of the municipalities, it was known that bus tickets would begin to cost $940 in Rosario, Santa Fe and Paraná starting in June. The move, at the same time, had its judicial correlation.

A day later, Chamber A of the Federal Court of Appeals of Rosario granted an appeal in order to process the collective protection filed in February by two workers in private homes, who -accompanied by national and provincial legislators and municipal- questions the national government’s decision to eliminate transportation subsidies in the interior of the country.

Thus, the Chamber revoked the decision of the Court of First Instance in charge of Sylvia Aramberri (which in March had rejected the amparo in limine), and requires that it be processed along with other similar ones, so that there is a definition on the substance of the issue.

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The Federal Network of Mayors went to Congress for transportation subsidies.

The protection, which has the legal sponsorship of Dr. Hugo Hernández, and the support of the national deputy Eduardo Toniolli, the Santa Fe representative Lucila De Ponti, and the councilors Juan Monteverde, Norma López, Mariano Romero, Caren Tepp, Jesica Pellegrini and Julián Ferreroproposes “to stop the elimination of national subsidies for passenger transport in the interior of the country and, in addition, to force the parties – the National Executive Branch and amparistas – to form an emergency committee together with the Ombudsman’s Office of the Nation, the “Government of Santa Fe and the Municipality of Rosario, to seek consensual solutions to the public transportation crisis.”

It is not an aspect in which the Government is particularly interested. Francos himself had admitted that there is no turning back from the dissolution of the Interior Compensation Fund. .

Almost at the same time, Javier Milei and the governor of Santa Fe, Maximiliano Pullaro, shared a photo of the Agroactiva event, which took place in the town of Armstrong. The impromptu postcard was everything. There was no meeting with either Pullaro or Frigerio and Llaryora, the other two leaders of the Central Region who visited the exhibition.

Open final in the Senate

On palace grounds, movements are constant and even move to social networks. Fearing a possible defeat, UP senators made public their demands to their counterparts from other forces. Thus, for example, Fuegian Cristina López attacked her co-provincial of the UCR, Pablo Blanco.

“Happy birthday, Pablo Blanco. I give you this video and I ask you: are you going to vote for the BASIC LAW to the “mole who loves to destroy the State from within”? Are you going to give EXTRAORDINARY POWERS to this PRESIDENT who is nowhere near a psychiatric outbreak? “Have a nice time,” he snapped, citing the video in which Javier Milei compares himself to Termineitor.

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Blanco picked up the glove and answered: “Thank you, Cristina López. You have to have extraordinary powers to spend 12 years of quiet Kircherism with ruffled bags, VIP vaccinations and clandestine parties in Olivos. You governed with those powers that I won’t even vote for. It’s clear that you lived on a birthday.”

From Río Negro, the Peronist Martin Donate also pointed in the same direction. By sharing the same recording of the President, he assured that “listening to Javier Milei for a minute” shows evidence of why it is a serious irresponsibility to approve the Bases Law, support the DNU and delegate extraordinary powers and superpowers to it. “Once again I ask my fellow senators, do you really want to accompany this massacre?” he asked himself.

It remains up in the air whether the President’s threat to veto the new retirement mobility if the Senate turns it into law will impact when it comes to raising hands for the Bases law.

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