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Two deaths from leptospirosis were recorded in Córdoba: how it is spread and how to prevent it

The authorities explained that the bacteria is usually present in the urine of rodents (Photos: Getty Images)

The Ministry of Health of Cordova confirmed the second death from leptospirosis in the province after it became known that two inhabitants of the town of Pascolocated in the department of General San Martin, had contracted the disease while carrying out tasks at a dairy farm in the area. Faced with this, the authorities launched a series of recommendations to prevent infections.

The cases were announced through the Zoonoses Department of the Epidemiology Jurisdiction Directorate, who reported that two men aged 51 and 63 had been hospitalized after contracting the infection. According to what they specified, it was the owner of the company and one of his employees who was in charge of carrying out activities related to milking cows and handling other animals such as pigs and sheep.

Last Wednesday the death of the 51-year-old man had been confirmed, while the 63-year-old remained hospitalized in the intensive care area. By then he already had respiratory assistance, but his body collapsed during the day on Friday.

According to the information obtained by, The deaths from leptospirosis motivated Senasa, the Ministry of Livestock, the Environmental Police and the General Directorate of Control of the Food Industry to initiate an investigation in the syndicated dairy farm. to be able to clarify the origin of the infections, because both presented similar symptoms.

At the same time, the Department of Zoonoses, the General Directorate of Supervision of the Ministry of Bioagroindustry of Córdoba, Senasa, the food control area and the Environmental Police will outline prevention and control actions to prevent the spread of the disease, especially everything, in endemic areas.

The first symptoms of the disease are muscle aches, headaches, fever and general malaise.

As explained by the Undersecretary of Health Strategies and Access to Health of Córdoba, Laura Lopezleptospirosis It is an infection caused by a bacteria called leptospira. which is usually present in the urine of rodents, dogs, cows, pigs, horses and other wild animals. Likewise, he stressed that Transmission is generated by having been in contact with the feces of an infected animal and contaminated water.

Regarding the populations that would be most exposed to its contagion, the specialist pointed out that the disease is usually contracted by people who are linked to jobs and professions that require contact with animals. However, she mentioned that its expansion is favorable in areas that have been affected by a natural disaster such as floods.

The incubation period can vary from one to 30 days, but usually occurs between seven and 14 days. after coming into contact with the bacteria. And, although they did not rule out the possibility of contagion between people, the authorities indicated that it is usually rare.

“In people, leptospirosis begins with fever, headache, muscle pain and general malaise,” López reported, explaining that At this time of year, it can be common for the condition to be confused with other diseases such as flu, dengue or COVID-19.

From the health portfolio they recommended using personal prevention equipment when working with animals

Faced with this, the undersecretary stressed that “early consultation is extremely important, so that the professional can make a diagnosis and timely treatment.” Furthermore, the disease is not considered fatal, but they warned that the risk of fatality would be 40% for those patients with more severe cases.

On the other hand, From the provincial Ministry of Health they launched a series of recommendations to avoid infections, especially among rural workers. In this way, they asked to use personal protective equipment, that is, rubber boots, overalls or waterproof clothing and gloves when carrying out rat fumigation, weeding and cleaning of fields and vacant lots.

Regarding the care of rural animals, they requested to consult with a veterinarian in the event of diseases or spontaneous abortions. Likewise, they recommended keeping the vaccination of dogs and cows found in endemic areas up to date.

In the case of personal homes, they pointed out that it will be key to eliminate rodents that are present in the houses and surroundings, keep the patios and grounds free of garbage and debris, avoid immersion in stagnant waters that could be contaminated and that children play in puddles or mud.

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