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Weretilneck added Dantas to the board of PROFARSE – ADN

(ADN).- The Government formed a new directory of the PROFARSE public laboratory. The novelty is that one of its members is the PJ legislator, Pedro Dantas. In addition, Governor Alberto Weretilneck appointed Facundo Villagra as president and María Andrea Escudero as vice president. The Minister of Health, Ana Senesi, and the president of IPROSS, Marcela Ávila, complete the organization chart.

The new board of directors of the Rionegrina Pharmaceutical Production Company of the State (PROFARSE) met yesterday at the provincial laboratory to propose strategies in this new stage and continue strengthening the development of public production in Río Negro and the region.

The general manager of the laboratory, Marne Livigni, accompanied the new authorities on a tour of the plant and showed the production process carried out there.

During the day, the Minister of Health Ana Senesi remarked that “a new stage begins and the idea is to continue working to promote new projects and continue strengthening the development of public production in Rio Negro.”

Likewise, he highlighted the importance that PROFARSE has in terms of public production and expressed that “the commitment is to continue working hard on the production of different medications, for Rio Negro hospitals like the rest of the country.”

“The objective is to put the laboratory at the service of the people of Rio Negro”

The new president of the laboratory’s board of directors, Facundo Villagra, current Technical General Secretary of the provincial social work IPROSS, highlighted the work that PROFARSE has been carrying out, as a public production laboratory and expressed that it is “an extraordinary institution that develops a fundamental activity for the sanitary system. For its solidarity purpose, as well as for its conditions of excellence and safety in terms of protection of medicines and dietary supplements.”

He added that “from the board of directors we understand the strategic importance of PROFARSE in the implementation of health care policies, as well as an important piece in the articulation of the Ministry of Health and IPROSS. In relation to this, we will seek to bring to members the products that are produced today, as well as integrate PROFARSE into our network of providers and suppliers.”

Finally, he noted that: “The current scenario is a challenging one, but full of opportunities to develop potential and make their services available to more people from Rio Negro, and other institutions that need it.”

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