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From the AHS in Las Tunas they call for the XXVII Guernica Hall

Las Tunas.- The provincial branch of the Hermanos Saíz Association (AHS) in Las Tunas opens the doors to young creation with the call for the XXVII edition of the Guernica 2024 Plastic Arts Salon, an event that will take place from August 23 to 25 , in this eastern city.

With free themes and the possibility of presenting works in all manifestations of the visual arts, preferably two-dimensional in nature; All artists in this field of creation, from any region of the country, under 35 years of age, may participate, whether or not they are members of the AHS.

The works will be received from June 10 to August 5 in digital format and must be accompanied by a technical sheet that allows identification of data such as the name, the technique used, the date of completion and even a brief curricular summary of the author, according to the call. .

The jury will be made up of prestigious personalities from the visual arts who will be in charge of evaluating the works in competition and then awarding three main prizes consisting of an accreditation diploma, personal exhibition in the Guernica gallery of the AHS in Las Tunas and cash prizes.

In addition, as many mentions as the jury deems necessary and several collateral awards will be awarded in a rigorous selection process that will culminate in the opening of the exhibition and other activities associated with the event, on August 23.

The Guernica Plastic Arts Hall, as one of the main events promoted by the AHS in this eastern Cuban province, is committed to encouraging the creation of visual arts in new artists also from a theoretical perspective, hence the realization of of conferences and workshops together with exhibitions.


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