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Córdoba awaits positive response from Minvivienda to project for 2,500 improvements

A project to improve the conditions of 2,500 homes in Córdoba was filed by the Department’s Government with the Ministry of Housing, City and Territory. The initiative seeks to obtain resources from the national government to carry out improvement works and dignify the housing conditions of families in vulnerable situations.

According to Governor Erasmo Zuleta Bechara, the project includes interventions in homes in different municipalities of the department that have deficiencies in their structure, floors, ceilings, electrical or sanitary networks. “We have already filed the project to make the first 2,500 housing improvements. “We are waiting for responses from the Ministry of Housing,” said the president.

Housing improvement is one of the strategies contemplated in the Departmental Development Plan 2023-2027 to reduce the qualitative housing deficit in Córdoba. According to data from DANE, in the department there are nearly 50,000 households that live in homes with some type of deficiency, either in terms of space, public services or the state of the building.

The Government of Córdoba has prioritized this project as a measure to improve the quality of life of the most vulnerable families and generate employment in the construction sector. It is estimated that the improvement works could generate close to 1,000 direct and indirect jobs in the benefited municipalities.

The project filed with the Ministry of Housing includes a detailed diagnosis of the improvement needs in each of the 2,500 selected homes, as well as a budget and execution schedule. The Government hopes to have a response from the National Government in the coming weeks to be able to start the works as soon as possible, however, there is concern about the low execution of that portfolio.


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