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The Government denied that the Brazilian Justice has requested the extradition of more than 100 supporters of Jair Bolsonaro

The fate of 143 supporters of the former president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, in Argentina it is still open. They asked the National Commission for Refugees (CONARE) to be accepted as refugees for political reasons, but the Government of Javier Milei denied having received the request and the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrichalso ruled out having received an extradition request from the Brazilian Justice.

These are 143 accused of the attack on the Plaza de los Tres Poderes in Brasilia on January 8, 2023, a few days after the inauguration of Lula Silva as president, in which they wanted to prevent him from exercising the presidency. This Friday, the Supreme Federal Court of Brazil issued a list with the names of the 143 fugitives from Justice and through the Brazilian embassy in Buenos Aires asked the Milei government to report how many people on that list are in the country. .

We do not have information of this type“Bullrich highlighted when asked this Saturday about the request for refuge in the country. “We do not have red alerts about these people. It is one thing for Brazil to ask for them and another for them to have a trial, a conviction, which is the moment in which one can request extradition. “It is difficult to request extradition if there is no judicial case, or if they do not have an alert of some kind that allows people to be sent. We also do not have the list.”

Bolsonaro supporters attacked the Planalto Palace, in Brasilia, in January 2023. Photo: AP Photo/Eraldo Peres

Asked if the entry into the country of Bolsonaro supporters has been confirmed, Bullrich responded: “We have not confirmed it. We have confirmed that Brazilians enter every day, but who are they, how many are they and what causes do they not have,” remarked Patricia Bullrich in dialogue with the radio program “Sábado tempranísimo” Miter.

“There have to be official requests, they have to go through Interpol. We have agreements with Brazil, there has to be a legal framework. At this moment, at least the Ministry of Security has not received any type of request for people, names or lists. For now it remains propaganda but not a valid legal fact.“Bullrich highlighted.

As advanced Clarionhigh sources in Brasilia confirmed that the extradition request from that country’s justice system to that of Argentina would arrive in the next few hours, a move with which Brazil will try to anticipate a CONARE definition on the refugee request.


Thousands of Brazilians demand that the Army prevent Lula da Silva’s inauguration after the electoral victory on October 30. The Police “preventively” restricted vehicle and pedestrian access to the Plaza de los Tres Poderes.

If this state body, which is made up of representatives from different Ministries and with the participation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and some NGOs, rules in favor of Argentina granting refuge, dozens of Bolsonaro supporters accused of crimes very serious cases in their country could not be extradited in such a simple way.

In a way, the mere fact that these requests have entered CONARE may be a factor stopping extradition. The Brazilian embassy in Argentina, commanded by Julio Bitelli, is following this case very closely. The chancelleries act as “couriers” of the decisions of the judges of Brazil and Argentina, who are the ones who can request extradition and accept it in this case.

In this sense, the Argentine embassy in Brasilia is still awaiting the arrival of diplomat Daniel Raimondi, who will be the new Argentine representative.

Bolsonaro supporters attacked the Planalto Palace, in Brasilia, in January 2023. Photo: Ton Molina/AFP

Arrest requests in Brazil

On Thursday, Judge Alexandre Moraes, of the Supreme Court of Brazil, who is leading the investigation, ordered the arrest of 208 people who are being investigated, or have already been convicted, for the cinematic assault on the institutions of democracy in Brazil. just seven days after Lula took office.

The leader of the PT had defeated Bolsonaro, his staunch enemy, who played for re-election and on January 8, 2023, a mob of thousands of people attacked the headquarters of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branch and entered those State buildings. , in an imitation of what had been the attack on the Washington Capitol, when on January 6, 2021 thousands of Donald Trump supporters invaded the US Congress.

Bolsonaro supporters attacked the Planalto Palace, in Brasilia, in January 2023. Photo: Ton Molina/AFP

Brazilian security forces located 49 of the Brasilia attackers, but the others remain at large and are now also accused of fleeing abroad and flouting precautionary measures. Several of them had electronic ankle bracelets and they broke them to avoid being located. In Brazil they claim that the fugitives entered mainly Argentina, although they also went to Paraguay and Uruguay.

Clarion has information that for several months many of these fugitives have been entering Argentina through different borders, land and air, and they did so legally.

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