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César Acuña assures that he entered Congress because “God ordered it,” but he asks young people to “work to go far”

Governor of La Libertad gave a motivational talk to students. | 24 hours

César Acuña is not only known for his political career and being founder of Alliance for Progress, but for the phrases that usually generate laughter among the attendees. Although he was in a motivational talk aimed at students, instead of resorting to effort, the governor of La Libertad mentioned that his time at the university and in Congress was power of God.

True to his style, he fell into a contradiction, because, although he indicated that his career is due to divine will, he asked the attendees to “work to go far.”

“I entered for the first time, but why did I enter? Because God arranged for me to enter for the first time and God has helped me twice to reach the Congress of the Republic when I was young. I am saying it so that you can imagine it, dream and work to go far,” said the former parliamentarian.

Governor of La Libertad is known for the phrases he mentions during his presentations. | Photocomposition: Infobae Perú (Camila Calderón) / Gore La Libertad

These words were given in the midst of the beginning of the revocation against him, promoted by Jose Miranda Pradolawyer and former councilor of the Provincial Municipality of Trujillo. Miranda has just purchased the revocation kit from National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE)arguing that Acuña has not fulfilled his commitments in vital areas such as citizen securityhealth and fight against poverty.

According to statements to Mail, Miranda mentioned that La Libertad continues to suffer despite Acuña’s promises to invest in security, alleging that in 2023 no budget was allocated to this area. As proof of these failures, he pointed to the lack of acquisition of drones, patrol boats and helicopters. In addition, the lawyer criticized the fact that the promised shoes for schoolchildren in poverty and laptops for teachers were not delivered.

“Acuña has incurred a series of breaches. Freedom continues to bleed, despite the fact that he committed, in his plan to fight against citizen insecurity, to assume that task with integrity and loyalty. In the year 2023 he did not invest a single sun in security,” Miranda said in dialogue with Mail.

He added that Acuña has also not advanced in the bidding processes for works in hospitals, despite being included in the regional government plan. “And if we talk about health, the governor has not been able to carry out the processes to tender the works in the hospitals in the provinces of Otuzco and Virú. All of this is detailed in the request,” said the lawyer.

Regarding the revocation process, the lawyer explained that the ONPE has a period of nine days to evaluate whether the request meets the formal requirements. If yes, there are an additional 30 days to resolve and deliver the revocation kit. Miranda needs around 365,367 signatures, equivalent to 25% of the electorate, to proceed with the recall.

Gerardo Torres Reyespresident of the Association of Mayors of the Neighborhood Territories of Trujilloand Sergio Pinedo Esquivelregional secretary of Unified Union of Education Workers of Peru (Sutep)-La Libertad, have expressed their support for the measure. Both believe that Acuña has not fulfilled his campaign promises. Miranda hopes to gather the 400,000 signatures necessary to meet the goal.

It is important to highlight that, if the revocation process is approved, the National Election Jury (JNE) will accredit unproclaimed candidates from the same electoral list as replacements of the authority. If there are no more candidates on said list, those from the list that obtained the next position in number of votes in the corresponding election will be considered.

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