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From clubs to raffles: Vallistos seek to fulfill the dream of traveling to Córdoba to represent San Juan

Saturday, June 8, 2024


On August 9, 10 and 11, Córdoba will be the scene of the impressive event: “National Competition of Small and Large Artists”. In 2024, hundreds of artists will arrive at that destination with the aim of showing all the art that characterizes them. From different parts of the country they will display all their talent under the watchful eye of all Argentines.

In this scenario, a group of Vallisto artists, from the AYEKANTUN Dance Academy, seek to fulfill the dream of representing San Juan in this imposing event. To do this, they need the collaboration of all the people of San Juan to be able to cover the expenses of this trip.

“Each of the kids who travel is selling raffle numbers; They are bonuses to be able to cover some registration, lodging, and travel expenses. We are very far from La Falda, Córdoba, and it will be to solve everything that is transportation,” Verónica Ceballes, in charge of the academy, commented to La Provincia SJ Newspaper.

All the artists were very committed to each of the proposals. That is why they started with a new proposal with the aim of continuing to raise funds. Next June 15, they will hold a festival with different artists, and they will sell food. They are very expectant with the possibility of being able to add an important contribution to this long-awaited dream. They started selling tickets and are very excited about being able to cover the expenses that will allow them to get to Córdoba.

There are around 30 boys who dream of traveling to Córdoba to represent San Juan. “For us it is a tremendous trip, we will practically be traveling for 12 hours. For many it is the first time traveling,” he commented. And he added that the fact of being able to travel with the entire group has an important emotional charge. “Seeing the entire process of everything we did from raffles, a club and everything that is done to be able to travel,” he commented.

It is worth noting that the boys were selling sweet things at a fair in Valle Fértil. Ceballes highlighted that the people of San Juan collaborated and hope to be able to count on everyone’s support to be able to fulfill this great desire. “It is quite a sacrifice and they know it,” he remarked.

The professional was very excited as she assured that all the boys show great performance in each rehearsal. “I see it in every rehearsal the great effort they put into it. Many go to school for a double day, and come to classes. All the sacrifice will be worth it, it is a trip that will not be forgotten again,” she highlighted.

“Hopefully all the numbers can be sold so that people can see everything we are doing and show everything we are going to do,” remarked the representative from Valle Fértil. The teacher indicated that students from 9 to 17 years old will participate in the trip to Córdoba and a 7-year-old girl from the seed category will join.

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