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San Juan: three accused of raping a young woman and beating her boyfriend were arrested

Early Saturday morning turned into a nightmare for a young woman who was with her boyfriend in the town of Chimbas, in the province of San Juanwhen she was approached by three subjects and sexually abused by one of them, while the others threatened and hit their partner. In the last hours stopped to three suspects.

The incident occurred in the Costanera area in Chimbas, where it all started as a robbery and ended in a rape when the victims were in their car to share a moment of intimacy.

Apparently, the subjects acted hooded and surprised the couple who was hidden in an area behind a fair complex. According to the complaint, the criminals stole the belongings that the victims had in her vehicle, then forced the girl to get out, stripped her naked, and one of them sexually abused.

The Fiscal Investigation Unit of the Chamber of Appeals for Criminal, Civil, Commercial and Mining Matters (UFI CAVIG) of San Juan.

There are three detainees

On Saturday, three suspects were detained accused of robbing the couple and sexual abuse to the young woman. Two of the accused are cousins ​​and the three subjects are between 30 and 40 years old.

Those arrested were surprised and captured in the Santa María neighborhood, in the eastern area of ​​the town of Chimbas, in San Juan. Key to finding these people was tracking the signal from the victims’ cell phones, which had been stolen by the criminals. In addition, the security cameras at the scene will be analyzed to try to clarify what happened.


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