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Public works are reactivated in Tucumán, Chaco, Jujuy and Entre Ríos

The Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, held different meetings with governors, among which the one he had with Osvaldo Jaldo, president of Tucuman, stands out.

Guillermo Francos with governors

The Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francosreceived the governor of Tucumán, Osvaldo Jaldo, with whom he signed the transfer of infrastructure works to be completed by the province, within the framework of the negotiations to approve the Bases Law in the Senate.

It was within the framework of the third consecutive day in which Francos held meetings with governors with the aim of gaining the necessary support for the sanction of the Base Law and this time it was the turn with one of the few provincial leaders of Peronism who is showing himself with a dialogue profile with the libertarian management.

Guillermo Francos with governors

In that framework, Jaldo signed “two framework collaboration agreements on public works and housing that contemplate the transfer to the province of various works that until now were in charge of the national government,” the Chief of Staff reported.

Public works are reactivated in Tucumán, Chaco, Jujuy and Entre Ríos.

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What the agreements say

According to signed agreements Between the competent areas of the national government and the Tucumán government, the province assumes the financing and/or execution of a series of housing, road, water, sanitation and urban improvement works, as well as routes and roads, among others.

In this way, Tucumán joined Entre Ríos, Jujuy, Chaco, Río Negro whose governors days ago also signed similar agreements by which said provinces accept the transfer of a set of public works until then in charge of the national government.

Guillermo Francos with governors

Sources around Jaldo anticipated that they are committed to giving continuity to the public works that are suspended and operationalizing the transfer of the Nation to the provincial administration.

Jaldo was in close harmony with the government of Javier Milei, even his three national deputies – Agustín Fernández, Gladys del Valle Medina and Elia Fernández de Mansilla – were absent from the vote on the new retirement mobility formula strongly questioned by the ruling party.

Announcements are expected Córdoba, Chubut and Neuquén, with whom there was also a meeting with the governors of those provinces. These works are financed with international credits and there is no reason to stop them, because their payment is made with international and long-term credits.

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