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They locate two bodies of the three missing young people in Puerto San José

The Rescue Brigade of the Southern Region of the Volunteer Firefighters reported that two bodies of the three young people reported missing have been located, after were swept away by the waves during an alfaque on the side of the Laberinto neighborhood, Puerto San José, Escuintla.

On Friday, June 7, rescuers were alerted to the disappearance of three menwho swam on the beaches of Puerto San José.

According to information from the Volunteer Firefighters, the men are originally from Tecpán, Chimaltenango.

As part of the search actions, there has been support of fishermen with their boats to carry out tours and dives.

Read more: A young man who was swept away by a wave on Sipacate beach is found dead

At 6:00 a.m. this Sunday, rescue specialists called “frogmen” Search work began when they located the body of a man on the beach between El Paredón and Sipacate, Escuintla.

The first body rescued was that of a minor, who was identified by his brother Byron Alexander Saquic.

While at 11:00 a.m., lifeguards reported the discovery of another corpse.

Read also: What is a alfaque in the sea: This is how you can recognize it and the recommendations to avoid being a victim of one

Until now, The identity of the second person located is unknown..

The young people who disappeared on Friday afternoon, June 7, are:

  1. Fredy Waldemar, 24 years old
  2. José Jets, 20 years old
  3. Jorge Adolfo Pancacoj Saquic, 17 years old – located –

Rescuers continue the search for the third body.


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