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Díaz-Canel asks Cubans to “beautify” their food and not wait for food from the basic basket

The Cuban ruler Miguel Diaz-Canel He insisted again on the most important idea of ​​“continuity”, namely, that the responsibility for ensuring that citizens have their basic needs satisfied corresponds to local governments and not to the leaders who control the centralized and planned economy of the communist regime.

Visiting the Naranjo Popular Council of the Las Tunas municipality of Majibacoa, the also first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), stated that in the town there was “enough land” to produce its own food and called for “beauty” to obtain the self-sufficiency of food instead of “thinking about what is going to go into the basket.”

“We have to reach the moment when this country is self-sufficient in food. That’s what’s going to give us security, really. Not depending on imports. But you have to believe that. And each municipality has to beautify its food. And not thinking about what is going to go into the basket,” the president said before the local authorities, according to a report from Tunera Vision.

Determined to “correct distortions and re-boost the economy,” the leader of the so-called “continuity” proposed a new strategy to achieve the “food sovereignty” that the Cuban regime’s propaganda so proclaims, consisting of “beautifying,” which in colloquial language It means “showing courage and bravery in dangers”, according to the Royal Spanish Academy.

Well, that’s it: Cubans must abandon the “social contract” that the supply book means and, according to Díaz-Canel, fill themselves with courage to get their own food from the land. This is what was called “eliminate excessive subsidies and undue gratuities” in the language of the failed “economic and monetary order.”

“Whatever goes into the basket, let it be for more. There is enough land here in Majibacoa to produce all the food in the municipality. And to give food to Las Tunas. “Now… we have to work!” said the ruler appointed by the general Raul Castro.

The call is repeated. At the end of May, Díaz-Canel told a group of San Luis residents: “We are convinced that there is land here to produce the food that we need here, in the municipality. And the hands are there, the strength is there. And the value”. Therefore, to “beautify” if you want to eat.

This Friday’s visit to Majibacoa left other pearls of the ruler’s political philosophy, among them a meditation on the role of leaders in Cuba. According to Díaz-Canel, The best way to take advantage of the time that the “cadres” have is when they go “to the base”.

“The time we spend at the base solving problems, guiding the population, explaining. If we spend most of our time in the office, in meetings, and do not go to the base, we are separated from reality. And we do not transform, which is what is needed,” he stated.

Demonstrating his skills as a speaker, the new secretary of the PCC in Las Tunas, Walter Simón Norrispromised to comply with what was entrusted by Díaz-Canel.

“Making Las Tunas prosperous cannot be just a claim or commitment. It has to be a decision of the people of Las Tunas. And of us the ‘cadres’, who have to lead it and accompany it. And it is said that to be great, you just have to try great… So there is no other option but to fight,” Norris concluded.

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