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Defend public media and SRT, the multimedia of the National University of Córdoba

One of the essential collective goods, to guarantee basic human rights, is freedom of expression, without discrimination, since it is a fundamental right of the spirit of people and operates as a guarantee for them and society. Based on which, communication and information constitute a “social good”, to be defended collectively, before the State and by the State.

In turn, the media and, together with journalists, who channel this basic human right, are a vital instrument in the development of communities and have an implicit representation of society, in the exercise of the right to express oneself. already know.

In that sense, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, in Advisory Opinion OC-5/85, of 11/13/1985, held that, currently, “the mass media are those that make the exercise of freedom of expression”.

So much so, that the National Constitution, in its 1994 reform, determined that the National Congress will be in charge of enacting laws, “that consolidate national unity while respecting provincial and local particularities; that ensure the non-delegable responsibility of the State… that protect cultural identity and plurality” and “cultural and audiovisual spaces” (art. 75, inc. 19 CN).

The aforementioned is of particular importance, which is why, in 2003, National Law 25,750 was issued, which determined that “the policy of the national State will especially preserve,” among other cultural assets, “the media,” (art. 1, sub. d).

The objective of the law for the protection of cultural property also implied the need to preserve various expressions of the country’s reality, with a national and federal meaning.

The government attacks cultural property

The aforementioned is fundamental, however, President Javier Milei, in the so-called “Bases and Starting Points Law for the Freedom of Argentines”, which he initially presented, known as the “Omnibus Law”, proposed as companies to privatize the Telam News Agency. He then sought to eliminate it illegally, based on the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) 70/23, which is absolutely null and void.

Also in this project it was proposed to privatize Radio and Television Argentina SE (RTA) and violating university autonomy, it included as assets of the National State to be privatized, the Radio of the National University of Litoral SA and the Radio and Television Services of the National University of Córdoba SA (SRT).

Later, in the new “Bases” project presented, since the previous one was withdrawn by the ruling party because it did not obtain a majority, only RTA (national radio and Public TV) was left to be privatized by the nation. This is serious, since the media it covers are very important for national integration and access to information throughout the country, with a federal sense.

At the same time, state media cannot be left subject only to the rules of the market, there are higher interests to protect in them.

Pope Saint John Paul II, in this regard, maintained that, “with the new capitalism, the State and society have the duty to defend the collective goods that, among other things, constitute the only framework within which it is possible for each one to achieve legitimately their individual purposes”, (Encyclical Letter “Centesimus Annus”).

Furthermore, the Milei Government, without justification, closed the social networks of all public media, including educational television channels. In this way, public spaces on social networks on the Internet were destroyed.

Defend UNC SRTs

Regarding the Radio of the National University of the Litoral, the authorities of said university have said that they will take charge of its operation and it will not be privatized.

Furthermore, to the pain of the people of Córdoba, we could not celebrate the non-inclusion of the new SRT Bases law since the authorities of the National University of Córdoba (UNC) decided to reduce and practically make the presence of multimedia disappear, thereby What this means for the culture of Córdoba.

This medium has the open television signal Channel 10, which is also included in Open Digital Television (TDA), along with Channel “U”; University Radio (AM 580); Nuestra Radio (FM 102.3), plus its Cba24N news website and its social networks on the Internet.

All this makes it clear that, when Law 25,750, for the defense of cultural assets, has been applied in the country, it has only sought to guarantee, especially, the preservation of the capital and profits of large communication companies as when, in its At the time, this rule allowed Grupo Clarín to liquidate its liabilities in dollars, due to the crisis of 2001.

But now, they are disarming and letting the other media die and the State even wants to get rid of practically all of the media it owns as if they were unnecessary, affecting the democratization of the word, respect for audiences and not assuming the need that exists. public means that help civic construction.

Journalism gives cultural meaning to the medium

At the same time, with respect to the so-called cultural assets, we cannot fail to keep in mind that, in their conceptualization, we must take care of the journalists who give the true cultural content, the information and the exercise of freedom of expression. The computers, editing consoles, antennas, cameras, buildings and other objects in the SRT business inventory do not serve to form a cultural asset, they are only supports.

Furthermore, the neoliberal perspective emphasizes economic profitability over other concepts and values ​​to be considered. As a result, many workers who manage to make the broadcasts possible and a large number of valuable journalists who constitute its essence and give personality to the SRT multimedia, which must be preserved, have been fired or forced into voluntary retirement and early retirement. .

In this way, Córdoba is losing a fundamental voice, which makes its social being, its history and personality. Unfortunately, this occurs at the hands of the University itself that gave it life and sheltered it. Even their university authorities have now said that the 270% readjustment for expenses that the national government will grant them will not be shared for the SRT expenses either.

The provincial authorities must take sides in the situation, and make their contribution to the issue, taking into account that the Constitution of the Province of Córdoba determines that “information and communication constitute a social good” (art. 51). They have the obligation not to be indifferent and to defend the SRT, as the social good that belongs to the life and personality of the people of Córdoba, inextricably linked to what our UNC means, with 411 years of presence, the oldest in the country. country and one of the first in America.

Miguel Julio Rodríguez Villafañe, constitutional lawyer from Córdoba and opinion journalist

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