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Top 10 of Córdoba: Phase II began

It was disputed first date of Phase II of the Top 10 of Córdoba in which Cordoba Athletic equalized before Palermo Bajo 31-31 and is the leader of Zone A. While Jockey de Córdoba won against Córdoba Rugby 54-31 and dominates Zone B.

In the rest of the games, felling prevailed over academic for 31 to 22 and La Tablada defeated Uru Cure 38 to 32. While San Martín and Jockey of Villa María They were free.

All the results of the Top 10 of Córdoba – Date 1 Phase II:

Córdoba Athletic 31-31 Palermo Bajo

Tala RC 31-22 University

Córdoba Jockey 54-31 Córdoba Rugby

La Tablada 38-32 Uru Curé

Free: San Martín and Jockey de Villa María

Next date:

University – San Martín

Palermo Bajo – Tala RC

Uru Curé – Jockey Villa María

Córdoba Rugby – La Tablada

Córdoba Athletic – Jockey Córdoba

The position table of the Top 10 of Córdoba:

Zone A

Córdoba Athletic 36 pts.

Felt 32 sts.

University 29 pts.

San Martín (VM) 21 pts.

Palermo Bajo 21 pts.

Zone B

Jockey from Córdoba 36 pts.

Uru Curé 32 pts.

La Tablada 30 pts.

Jockey (VM) 22 pts.

Córdoba Rugby 2 pt.


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