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Karla Rubilar swept Puente Alto and became the candidate for Chile Vamos

The former minister Karla Rubilar will be the candidate for Chile Let’s go to the mayor of the Puente Alto communeafter winning the primary election against Erick Gonzalez (UDI).

With 92.58% of the votes counted, the former independent deputy with the RN quota preliminarily obtains 88.71% of the votes, against González’s 11.29%.

Rubilar could confront the councilor Felipe Ossandónwho will seek to register his independent candidacy for the mayor of Puente Alto, although he does not yet have the necessary signatures to achieve said procedure.

In the ruling party, meanwhile, the winner was Luis Escanilla (PS) with 68.85% versus the 31.15% achieved by the liberal candidate Vladimir González.

All of them will have the challenge of competing on October 27 against Matías Toledo (independent-PC)social leader who obtained 31.46% in the previous election, establishing himself as the second most voted after Germán Codina (RN).


The political analyst Christopher Bellolio stated in Cooperative that “Puente Alto is interesting, because it consolidates a national figure such as Karla Rubilar (…) (The mayor of the commune, Germán) Codina is the one who finally manages to impose his letter.”

“In cases in which there are primaries on both sides, it is interesting to see who is capable of achieving the greatest number of votes, because in some way it anticipates what could happen in (the municipal elections in) October. I would dare to say that Karla Rubilar, for the same reason, “is better positioned than the official candidate, because he was able to mobilize many more people in his primary,” added the academic.

“This must be a headache for the ruling party, because as it is a popular commune linked more to that political line, after the domination of Ossandón, Codina and now Rubilar, he definitely cannot recover (the commune)”, held.

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