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Prepare before you leave: This is the weather forecast in Córdoba this Monday

Climate information is increasingly relevant to society. (Infobae/Jovani Pérez)

Weather predictions, based on observation and mathematical modelshelp predict the state of the atmosphere at a given time and location from various relationships such as temperature, humidity, pressure, precipitation or wind.

Weather forecasts are exercises that have been carried out for hundreds of years, even before the Christian era, basically based on the observation of cloud patterns, wind, and the time of year, although initially these they were not very successful.

It was not until the emergence of new technologies (such as computers) that mathematical models began to be implemented that made it possible to achieve more accurate predictions, becoming a fundamental factor for the transportation (land, sea or air), agriculture, tourism, disaster prevention, public health and even military operationsthis beyond deciding whether or not to carry an umbrella or what outfit to put on.

Below is the weather status for the next few hours in Córdoba for this Monday:

During the day temperature will reach a maximum of 22 degrees, the probability of rain It will be 1%, with 29% cloud cover, while wind gusts will reach 17 kilometers per hour.

As for ultraviolet rays, they are expected to reach a level of up to 3.

For the night, temperature will reach 9 degrees, while precipitation forecast It will be 5%, with 72% cloudiness, while wind gusts will be 13 kilometers per hour at night.

The weather forecast in Córdoba (Illustrative image Infobae)

Despite its latitude, The climate of the city of Córdoba can be considered moderately temperate. with characteristics specific to each of the four seasons.

In general terms the climate is pampasthis means that the winters are not very cold. Summers are humid, with hot days and cool nights. It is at this time of year when thunderstorms and hail events usually occur.

Winds from the east and west are rare, their passage is of short duration and low intensity. However In Spring the winds from the north and northwest become stronger.

According to reports from the National Meteorological Service, 2021 is considered one of the warmest in the country.

“If we analyze in detail how this variable behaved in the different regions of the country, we must highlight the values ​​of Patagonia, a region where it is very possible that this year will be the hottest and driest since 1961. In general, values ​​were recorded between 0.5 and 2 °C higher than the statistical average. On the other hand, to the north of the 35th parallel, temperatures were very close to normal,” indicates the report “Climate in Argentina: data and summary of what happened in 2021.”

The same report adds that Throughout that year there were only three months that closed with slightly lower temperatures to the normal ones in the country: January, May and June. The rest of the months were warm “and it is necessary to highlight the extremely warm anomalies that were recorded in April and September.”

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