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Córdoba dresses in blue

The Popular Party has won the European elections in the province of Córdoba in an electoral event, make no mistake, in which lThe sad triumph was abstention, that reached the 51.4 percent 13.69 more than in the previous election date in 2019.

But despite the 119,780 votes that the popular ones have received compared to the 94,681 of the PSOEit is the socialists who they win in more locations in the province, 43 and the popular ones have done so in 34. Among the towns that continue to support the PSOE we find classic and unbeatable enclaves of socialism such as Posadas, Moriles, Montoro or Espejo. They have also been winners in the towns of Peñarroya-Pueblonuevo and Montilla. In places like Iznájar things have been quite close: the PSOE wins by 541 votes followed by the popular ones with 538.

The Popular Party, for its part, has been the most voted training in Rute, Añora, Baena, Cabra, Adamuz, Espiel, Puente Genil, Lucena, Pozoblanco, Palma del Río or Priego de Córdoba.

In the capital too

The popular ones have obtained the trust of 55. 293 people from Córdoba (42.7%) compared to the 32,811 votes that the PSOE had (25.34%) but it is not worth forgetting here that 50.2 percent of the electorate preferred to stay at home or on the plot. In 2019 it was 43.7 percent. The PP has obtained 16 percent more votes in the capital than in the previous European election. The PSOE has dropped almost 5 percent on this occasion compared to 2019.


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