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Mystery over an Argentinian who disappeared in Italy 20 days ago: a load of wallets worth 500 thousand euros and a burned truck

Nicolás del Río had a last contact with his family on May 22, when he was carrying the designer handbags. A particular call with his boss and the testimony of a witness, the only information known so far.

June 10, 2024, 08:15 a.m.

Nicolás Del Río disappeared on May 22 in the city of Siena, Italy. (Photo: Facebook/Nicolás del Río).

An Argentine is missing in Italy since 20 days and the last communication he had with his family was before carry designer bags which have a value of 500 thousand euros. His truck appeared burned and a witness claims to have heard a gunshot.

Is about Nicolas del Rioa 42-year-old man who had gone to live in the city of Siena with his partner and his son, who turned 9 last Monday, and who has two more daughters who live in Argentina.

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Del Río had his last telephone communication on May 22, when he was in the Castel del Piano area. He had gone there to look for a shipment of designer bags from one of the Amiata brand manufacturing companies.

The cargo had at least three hundred pieces with a estimated total value of 500 thousand eurosbut at the time of delivery that they were supposed to make to the Argentinean, both he and the merchandise disappeared.

Two after his disappearance, the truck he used to work with was found on fire in the city of Roccalbegnaprovince of Grossetoand a mile away were the empty boxes.

Ezequiel, brother of the missing man, said that Nicolás “They crossed him when he left the place” provided two details to TN that may be key to finding Del Río’s whereabouts. The first is the peculiar call that the man, who was born in Lanús, had with his boss and the second is the testimony of a witness.

“There was a weird call with his boss. A certain ‘Goni’ said that he knew him and that he needed to take some boxes to a certain place, but my brother’s boss replied that “That place had closed a year and a half ago,” Ezekiel related.

Then, the man who was in the truck with Nicolás told him that he needed to take things for a certain company. “The boss called the owner of that company and told him that they had closed,” He explained what the closing of the conversation was.

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Regarding the second fact, Ezequiel said that “a witness heard a gunshot” when his brother was in the area, but he clarified that “No blood or anything was found.” “There is no documentation and they didn’t find his cell phone either,” he explained.

The missing man’s brother said that “There are no cameras in the place where they crossed it” and claimed that the Italian authorities “do not give any response.” “We found out eight days later and they told us that they were looking for him as an Italian citizen,” he said.

Nicolás’s family contacted him Italian consulate in Argentina and said that “They promised that they would communicate“when they had information about the case.” “20 days passed and they didn’t tell us anything,” he claimed.

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