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Actions of the State Plan Task Life in Guantánamo stand out – Radio Guantánamo

Guantánamo – The implementation of State Plan to confront climate change (Tarea Vida) advances in Guantanamo province with actions to counteract the effects of this phenomenon in all municipalities, mainly in Baracoaa prioritized area at the national level, and in the semi-arid area of ​​the local south coast.

With 136 actions this year, of which 110 include investments, different actors such as the delegations of agriculture, Hydraulic Resources, the Territorial Planning Institute, among others to preserve natural resources, ecosystems and population settlements.

As part of this comprehensive strategy, 1.5 hectares of mangrove forests were restored on the northern coast of Baracoa and the green basins international project which provided funds for the implementation of ecosystem-based measures to mitigate the effects and adaptation to climate change.

Likewise, we work directly with producers from 43 farms to promote the application of agroecological techniques in order to increase local food production, based on better use of traditional varieties and crops.

Among the actions, scientific-technical services for the productive sector also stand out through agrometeorological, climate, fire and drought bulletins prepared by specialists from the Provincial Meteorological Center, which contribute to the adoption of relevant measures in each case.

The evaluation of the Habitat Planning Plan and the “Neighborhood Transformation” task is also carried out, as well as the evaluation of the Urban Planning Plan of Caimanera, Imías and San Antonio del Sur.

From the Task Life In Guantánamo, the different actors implement actions towards the adequate management of water resources, soils and forests, as well as studies of new areas to relocate communities vulnerable to coastal flooding or river flooding, mainly in the prioritized areas of Baracoa and the Southern Coastal Strip.

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