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CÓRDOBA CITY COUNCIL | CGT denounces the PP for not establishing a health and safety committee

CGT denounces the PP for not establishing a health and safety committee in the Córdoba City CouncilFRANCISCO GONZÁLEZ

The CGT union, the most voted in the last union elections held in the Córdoba City Council, has reported to the Labor Inspection and judicially “the refusal” of the government team to constitute a health and safety committee. In a statement, the union recalls that the safety and health of municipal workers is “primary”, and that the lack of a committee of this type means “a serious breach” of Law 31/1995 of November 8 on the Prevention of Occupational Risks. “The only path that Mr. Bellido and his team leaves us in the absence of dialogue and negotiation is mobilization and the courts,” they say in their writing.

“With this refusal, Human Resources managers demonstrate an absolute lack of respect for the health of the employees of the Córdoba City Council, preventing the participation of democratically elected prevention delegates in the measures to preserve the safety and health of the staff, according to the regulations in this regard,” says CGT.

In this sense, the union understands that as a consequence “the health of the workers could be put at serious risk by paralyzing the operation of this body, depriving the union representation of the necessary data so that the incidents in matters of health are known. safety and health, incidents or accidents that occur, prevention plans and programs are implemented, which makes it impossible for us to act in favor of the health and safety of the workforce.


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