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Socialist Juan Pablo Durán asks for his resignation

The former president of the Andalusian Parliament and general secretary of the PSOE of Córdoba, and now a member of the Steering Committee of the PSOE of Andalusia, Juan Pablo Durán, has decided to speak this Monday, after “two years of respectful silence”, about the management of the general secretary of the PSOE-A, Juan Espadas, who now, after the party’s results in Andalusia in 9J, has asked “to resign”, after chaining “four electoral defeats in two years.”

In this sense and in statements to Europa Press, Durán recalled that he was “relegated from the Juan Espadas project” and that, despite this, at no time has he made public statements about it, limiting himself to pointing out, in the Provincial Committee of the PSOE of Córdoba, twice, and “once in the Steering Committee”, who seemed to him that the party in Andalusia was following “a negative drift”, “which unfortunately we ended up seeing last night”.

Thus, the 9J “consumed the fourth unmitigated electoral defeat of the PSOE led by Juan Espadas and, unfortunately, he does not assume any type of responsibility, not even that of presenting his resignation,” and this “after two years in which he did not “We have not won even once” in electoral processes in Andalusia, in fact, “for the first time we have lost in European elections and, for the first time, we have lost in all the Andalusian provinces.”

But now “the electoral cycle has ended” and, therefore, for the historic Andalusian socialist leader, “it is time to take stock” and this “could not be more negative”, because Juan Espadas “has decapitalized the Socialist Party of Andalusia” , and also “has achieved something that was difficult, which was to give strength to a Popular Party that has allowed itself the luxury of, in a statement by its president” in Andalusia, Juanma Moreno, “to say that it is the party that most resembles to Andalusia, which had been a slogan of our organization in the last 40 years.”

For this reason, as Juan Pablo Durán has insisted, “it is the moment in which Mr. Juan Espadas has to assume responsibilities”, after “these two years that are practically going to be completed since he was elected to represent the PSOE-A in the electoral posters.”

In fact, “he has to assume firsthand that Andalusia is a hindrance to the Socialist Party of Spain. We have turned him into the dead weight, electorally speaking, of the Socialist Party of Spain, and that has to be assumed in the first person by the person who leads it, which is none other than Mr. Juan Espadas, who must present his resignation.”

It has to be done, in Durán’s opinion, “for dignity, and to leave open the possibility for the PSOE of Andalusia, for its militancy, for its groups to open a period of reflection,” in order to achieve “a project that becomes exciting again”, to “recharge the batteries of an organization that needs enthusiasm, that needs joy and that needs to go out into the streets to win elections and not lose them.”

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