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The Chilean Navy and the US Navy meet in Viña del Mar to review the planning of Unitas 2024

Staff of the Chilean Navy and of the United States Navy took place from June 3 to 7 in the Naval War Academy the Conference Main Planning (MPC by its acronym in English) of the activities of the multinational naval exercise Rimpac 2024 which will take place in the South American country in September and in which different countries in the region will participate.

Participants of the Unitas 2024 Major Planning Conference at the Naval War Academy. Chilean Navy Signature

The objective of the exercise Unitesone of the oldest in the world, is the strengthening of security cooperation, optimizing training in operations with allied forces or coalitions in a variety of simulated maritime scenarios and generating links of trust and increasing interoperability between the navies of America .

Naval personnel from Chile and the United States in one of the activities of the Unitas 2024 Main Planning Conference. Chilean Navy Signature

According to the Chilean Navy, around a hundred people from both nations participated and the meeting was chaired by the head of Mayor state of the Naval Operations Command (Comoper)Captain Juan Sotowho welcomed the foreign guests, in addition to highlighting the work that will be carried out in the activity.

Ship Captain Juan Soto. Chilean Navy Signature

“It is necessary to refine all the details for the activities that will be carried out in port and at sea during the execution of the exercise, especially the security and logistical aspects. Welcome and thank you for being here, working together as a team,” said the naval officer. the Chilean Navy.

The main planning conference also included, in its agenda of activities, field visits to some of the places where the scheduled events of Unitas 2024As the Rear Admiral Félix Aguayo Marine Corps Fort Bastides and the naval air base With with of Aviation Naval.

Unity among regional navies

Unites (Unit in Latin) was created by the United States Navy as an anti-submarine warfare training exercise focused on confronting the Soviet threat on the coasts of the American continent during the Cold War.

Ocean patrol vessel OPV-82 Comandante Toro in the sea phase of the Unitas 2023 exercise carried out in Colombia Chilean Navy Signature

The exercise has been carried out uninterruptedly since 1959. Until the year 2000, the United States Navy deployed its naval and air assets to carry out Unitas with each navy in the region. The year starting in 2001 was divided into phases Atlantic and Peacefulbringing together the navies of each area in a country.

Unites Its purpose is to train Western Hemisphere forces through different maritime scenarios and increase interoperability between participating navies, as it allows the assembled forces to organize and conduct combined naval operations in a multinational task force and thus test their answer’s capacity.

Chilean Navy Airbus AS365 Dauphin helicopter operating from the flight deck of the expeditionary fast transport USNS Spearhead (T-EPF 1) at Unitas 2016. Signature US Navy

This exercise includes, as is traditional, anti-aircraft, anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare exercises, in addition to joint naval maritime interdiction operations that will allow unifying procedures and criteria to confront phenomena such as terrorism, smuggling and drug trafficking that threaten regional security.

The Chilean Navy hosted the exercise Unites for the last time in 2019. Nine ships, five helicopters, four planes and more than 1,800 personnel belonging to the navies of Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, the United States and Peru participated in that edition, in addition to observers from El Salvador, Italy, Mexico and Turkey.

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