Euro ES Euro

The upward trend of the blue dollar continues: the price this Monday in San Juan

The blue dollar rose and traded in San Juan at $1,220 for purchase and $1,320 for sale this Monday, June 10, while according to a survey by Ámbito in the City caves, the price ended at $1,250 for purchase and $1,280 for sale.

The market remains expectant regarding what happens with the Bases law and the fiscal package, which will be discussed next Wednesday in the Senate.

Investors are also closely watching the currency swap negotiations with China, since rumors have been circulating for weeks that Chinese President Xi Jinping would not agree to renew it. If so, Argentina would have to pay the equivalent of about US$5,000 million, which corresponds to the freely available section, and which would come out of the coffers of the Central Bank, which would affect the reserves.

In this context, this Friday, the monetary authority sold US$27 million and reserves fell to US$29,297 million.

In the official exchange market, the dollar rises $2.50 and trades at $901.5. It ended last week up $3.50 (+0.4%).

The MEP dollar is trading at $1,283.01, so the gap with the official dollar drops to 42.9%.

The Cash with Settlement dollar (CCL) is trading at $1,309.19 and the spread with the official one is 45.22%.

The card or tourist dollar, and the savings (or solidarity) dollar remain at $1,468.80.

The crypto dollar or Bitcoin dollar operates at $1,292.05, according to Bitso.

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