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The blue dollar advanced at the beginning of the week: how much did it close at this Monday

The blue dollar began the week with a rise of 15 pesos, while the parallel currency continues with upward pressure like the previous week. This Monday the ticket was quoted at $1,250 for purchase and $1,280 for sale and focuses on its nominal maximum of $1,300.

After the correction of the wholesale exchange rate by three pesos, taking it to $902 and compensating for the days without activity over the weekend, the exchange rate gap with the blue is located at 42.46%.

Unlike the blue, financial dollars traded lower. The MEP dollar gave up $6.44 to end the day at $1,275.89 and the cash with settlement did the same at $8.58 to remain a few pesos above $1,300.

The value of the bill in Banco Nación is $920.50 and in the average of the banks it is $940.56.

The Central Bank sold dollars for the second consecutive day, something that occurs for the first time in Javier Milei’s management. The monetary authority had to assist importers for nine million dollars in a market that moved about US$248.18 million. So far this month the organization has net purchases of US$90 million.

From PPI Inversiones they indicated that the pace of BCRA purchases continues to moderate and, even, the monetary authority sold US$1 million on Wednesday and US$27 million on Friday. In this way, the five-day moving average remains at the current administration’s lows, standing at US$18 million. This figure contrasts markedly with the purchasing pace in mid-May of US$168 million per day. The Central’s gross reserves fell by about 61 million dollars to US$29,236 million.

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