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“They are more of the same”

We are in the hands of people who manage PAMI as they want”. The phrase of Carlos Soloa Vacasformer head of the organization in Mendoza who resigned from the position at the request of the national representative Lourdes Arrietais just a sample of the political tension that is going through La Libertad Avanza in the province.

Soloa Vacas is a public notary and came to PAMI thanks to the young legislatorwhich was adding power thanks to its approach with Karina Mileigeneral secretary of the Presidency, and the head of the Chamber of Deputies, Martin Menem. But in parallel, the scandals surrounding the Arrieta clan.

Carlos Soloa Vacas, former head of PAMI Mendoza.

As reported this Monday in LVten, Soloa Vacas was forced to resign, under pressure from the Arrieta family. He also told details of the orders that had to be fulfilled when he was in charge of the organization.

Among the demands were firing employees linked to Peronism and the head of the war veterans sector at PAMI. The most interested in this last measure is Tomas Arrietafather of the national deputy and former combatant in the war conflict in the Malvinas Islands.

After several crossings throughnot complying with what they asked”, Soloa Vacas detailed the moment of his dismissal. His place was taken by David Litvinchukperson from the “small table” of the Arrieta family.

On the other hand, Soloa Vacas referred to the case that Arrieta faces for the alleged irregularities in the guarantees he presented for the formalization of La Libertad Avanza in Mendoza. Among the complaints are deceased people, leaders affiliated with the PRO and others who did not give their consent.

These were his most notable phrases:

  • “I assumed with pressures, conditions and obligations to be fulfilled from day one, at the request of the young lady and her family, her parents and brother.”
  • “You are obliged to have contact with them. They call you once a week at home for you to come, it is a kind of family meeting where they tell you what to do, what to say and how to handle yourself. “That’s how they handle themselves.”
  • They make you go at the times they want. They don’t ask you if you want to or if you can, you have to go.”
  • “The first thing they demanded of me was to include war veterans in the PAMI. I consulted with Buenos Aires, with experienced people from here, and they advised me that it was not convenient. I told them and they didn’t like it”.
  • “They have had a personal problem with the official who is in charge of the war veterans sector at PAMI, Paula López, and yes or yes they wanted his head to put a veteran friend of theirs.”
  • “We are in the hands of someone who manages PAMI as he wants.”
  • “When I took over, the father commented that the veterans part of the headquarters was going to be moved from Belgrano Street to España Street, and that we were going to move López to put a veteran there.”
  • They demanded that I start with the chainsaw and get the people of La Cámpora and all the Peronists out. There were 18 contracts that expire in two or three months, and I recommended they wait to avoid a political and economic cost.”
  • “They wanted to put their people in but PAMI is no joke, it is a rather delicate institution that manages a large, sensitive and vulnerable age group. You cannot put people who are not trained or who have to be explained in an accelerated course how to handle Pami. It was not the time to make those drastic changes since the contracts expire in a few months.”
  • “There are 18 contracts, among which there are people who work a lot. Apparently they intended to change figures. “They never told me ‘we’re taking people out to lower costs.'”
  • “They are not even political fans. They arrived by chance and suddenly began to wield a lot of power”.
  • “Not only do they not allow themselves to be helped, in fact talking to Lourdes alone is practically impossible. There always has to be someone, usually the brother. It is not for there to be a witness, but for someone to tell him if it is right or wrong. “She’s looking for approval.”
  • She is 31 years old, she is young, she is inexperienced. I understand her, but if she doesn’t let herself be helped… “
  • “When I asked to join her, she told me: ‘My brother is like me’”.
  • “The calls did not come from her directly. On one occasion she started with the topic of the veterans, then the family took over and then the brother told me that if she complied with what they asked, with the same finger they put on me, they took me out”.
  • “She called me when I was already in Alvear, angry, screaming, demanding my resignation. Then he was the brother and then the father. “They handle themselves like that.”.
  • “TO David Litvinchuk I know him because he works with the lady, I reserve my opinion.”
  • “If he put me on PAMI thinking that I was going to be able to handle it, I was going to be a puppet of her or her family, she is completely wrong.. PAMI is a delicate institution, you have to be smart, you have to be quick with decisions.”
  • “They wanted to give me some photocopies of my ID and they told me: “Sit down, fill out the adhesions and get a similar signature”. It was in Lourdes’ house, in Las Heras. I refused and they didn’t like it.”
  • It wasn’t Lourdes, it was people who are very close to her. It was at his house, that night there were three or four people. “I want to believe that she was not aware of all this.”
  • “I thought they were going to be different, that they had other intentions. But they are more of the same.”

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