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They suspended a clandestine party organized by social networks

The Municipality of Córdoba reported this Tuesday that last Sunday an operation was carried out as a result of a clandestine party called by social networks on the premises of the Corazón de María club, where the presence of about 4 thousand people was detected and they proceeded to the closure of the place.

As reported in a statement, the operation took place at 4500 Malvinas Avenue in Villa Esquiú, following complaints from neighbors calling 103.

They closed a clandestine party on the premises of the Corazón de María Club (Municipality of Córdoba).

Personnel from the General Directorate of Inspection and Control, the General Inspection Directorate and the Public Entertainment Directorate present at the scene confirmed that the meeting was taking place in the after-hours modality.

The property was evacuated, with the collaboration of the Police and the Municipal Urban Guard.

In the operation, equipment and materials were seized. There were crosses by the staff of the 24-7 Production Company, who attacked the inspectors to try to recover what was kidnapped.

An inspector was transferred to a care center for treatment.

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