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Alimony debts total $2.8 billion in Tarapacá – CEI News

In the offices of the Seremi de Justicia, regional authorities delivered figures after one year of the implementation of Law 21,484, on Parental Responsibility, and the creation of the National Registry of Alimony Pensions. In total, to date in the region the debt accumulates $2.8 billion, while in Operation Income 2024, the Tarapacá Regional Treasury withheld around $112 million from 466 taxpayers to comply with this legislation.
In total, there are 3,658 debtors in the region, of which only 3.5% are women (128), and the maintenance debts, which consider the children and adolescents who benefit from the Parental Responsibility law, are divided into 2,708. (50.447%) men and 2,660 (49.553%) women.
In this regard, the Government Seremi, Rodrigo Vargas, highlighted that “this has been a regulation that already came into force a year ago and that undoubtedly generates great benefits for all the families involved and that shows that when we achieve transversal agreements in the Congress we can pass laws that favor the community. This is one of the legal regulations that is added to others such as the 40 hours, the increase in the minimum wage and that is important, that when there are agreements we can advance positive legislation.”
For her part, the Seremi of Women and Gender Equality, Noemí Salinas, stressed that the importance of complying with pension payments “is to tell women that they are no longer alone in this process and that today there is a State present that is going to guarantee the right of women with respect to a situation that impoverished their homes, but also the right of boys and girls to integral development, putting in focus the right to which they are subject with respect to their integral development.”
Regarding the implementation of the National Registry of Alimony Pensions, which is in charge of the Civil Registry, the Seremi of Justice reported that since last year 5,054 registrations have been registered, of which 1,118 have already canceled their debt.
“In the justice portfolio we can point to the Civil Registry Service, which is in charge of keeping this record, and according to data from the service there are around 2.8 billion pesos accumulated in debts for alimony pensions in Tarapacá,” said the seremi of Justice, Pablo Valenzuela.
These amounts are divided into debts for causes in UTM, whose figure amounts to 42,458 UTM, and causes in pesos, which add up to $69,288,458, thus completing the more than 2,800 million reported by the authority.
Finally, the director of the Tarapacá Regional Treasury, Álvaro Villablanca, explained that after completing Operation Income 2024, $112,996,493 were withheld, corresponding to 466 taxpayers who had alimony debts.
Of these, they are divided into 266 in Iquique, 174 in Alto Hospicio, 7 in Pica, 2 in Huara, 3 in Camiña and 14 in Pozo Almonte.
Villablanca explained that in the income operation “more than 34 billion pesos have been distributed to 52 thousand natural and legal persons. Of these amounts, it is extremely important that significant amounts have been withheld from 466 people who are debtors of alimony pensions, we are talking about 112 million pesos that we have been able to withhold and payments are currently being made directly to the accounts registered in courts for the purpose of payment. of alimony.”

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