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The income of families in the City fell 67 points compared to inflation

Furthermore, the report indicates that households residing in the South of the City had an interannual increase of 196.9% ($696,784); in it North the increase was 219.7% ($1,016,440)While in the Centerfamily income rose 187.0% ($822,981); and they pointed out that “In relation to the same period in 2023, the purchasing capacity of total family income with respect to the basket decreased.”

Meanwhile, the household family per capita income averages $436,149, that is, 186.9% above that registered in the same quarter of 2023. In households in the North of the City this income is $600,077, while in the Center it is $417,814 and in the South of $294,446 (representing increases of 200.9%, 175.6% and 213.9%, respectively).


The individual income coming from labor and non-labor sources, reach $526,482, with a year-on-year increase of 198.3%, close to that of total family income. In the North zone, the increase was 211.7%, in the Center 190.1% and in the South 205.7%, which shows that on average, The income of the population in the North zone is 84.8% higher than that of the South zone.

Another aspect that the report reveals is that labor income expands above non-labor income, among which retirements and pensions stand out, had the greatest loss of purchasing power in the last year, with a variation of 154.8% .

The income of the salaried population reaches an average of $523,070, marking an interannual growth of 212.4%. Likewise, self-employed workers receive $365,927, with a year-on-year dynamic (155.3%) that is well below that corresponding to prices (263.8%).

Regarding the distribution of income, there is a deterioration in the measurements of both individuals and households.


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