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This is how cameras capture violations due to photo fines in Neuquén

“The most frequent violation was invading the pedestrian path”said Baggio and added that this fact represented almost 70% of the cases.

From a compilation of videos that he was able to access LMNeuquénit was possible to verify that this was true, but it was also possible to identify other very common contraventions.

In the first of the videos, a camera located on Avenida Argentinaright on the corner of the municipal palace at midday, captured how a Honda Fit car ran the red light and almost collided with a vehicle that was leaving the perpendicular street, respecting the green of its traffic light. Regardless of the fact that she was committing an infraction and endangering the lives of those coming down that road, she continued her march and continued moving forward while the other vehicles were stopped.

Then, in another of the videos that is captured at 7 in the morning by the same camera, a vehicle is seen braking at the traffic light but on the pedestrian path, which comprises one of the most recurrent contraventions. According to the latest scale of values, which is updated based on the price of super gasoline, committing this violation will have a financial penalty ranging from 19 thousand pesos to 397 thousand pesos, depending on the seriousness of the case and whether it is paid or not. voluntarily.

Going to the opposite camera, at the same height but on the side of Avenida Argentina that goes up, the cameras captured two more events of red light crossings at midday, a time when traffic is intense, especially on this main street.

infractions captured by fotomultas.mp4

The values ​​of the fines

Values ​​could increase in the future, as price increases in the fuel sector became more and more frequent. By announcing the launch of this road planning system, FRancisco Baggiohad explained that the value of the fines goes tied to the price of super gasoline.

By crossing a red light, the financial fine will range from 79 thousand to 1.2 million pesos.

By lack of seat belt will be sanctioned with a value ranging from 19 thousand to almost 400 thousand pesos.

For those who are captured using cell phonethe fine will be between 39 thousand pesos and almost 400 thousand.

Who turn left They will have to pay a penalty of between 39 thousand and 238 thousand pesosand that invade the pedestrian path will have a financial penalty of between 19 thousand and almost 400 thousand pesos.

The vehicles without lights They will also be fined: they must pay between 39 thousand and 390 thousand pesos, according to the current values ​​of super gasoline in Neuquén.

At the moment, the photomult system does not contemplate sanctioning excess speed among the contraventions. The intention is to be able to implement it in the future, as confirmed by the Municipality.

Violations captured by photo fines 2.mp4

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