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The first conferences on circular economy in Córdoba are born

The circular economy is increasingly spreading to a greater number of economic sectors and consumer groups. This model seeks maximum resource efficiency, feedback from production and marketing systems, and a positive end to the product life cycle. To achieve this system, it is necessary to change the paradigm of “buy, use and throw away” for one that focuses on reuse and recycling.

Every day, a greater number of institutions, companies and professionals join this new system, an irreversible trend that will probably reach all consumers. This transformation will encompass a wide variety of products and services, radically changing the way they are produced and consumed.

It is in this context that Cordopolis organizes the first edition of the circular economy conference in Córdoba. This event seeks to promote and encourage the adoption of sustainable practices in all sectors of the economy, promoting a necessary change towards a more sustainable and environmentally responsible future.

Next Friday, June 21, the Córdoba Visitor Reception Center will host these first days, with the title Together, towards a round future. Sponsored by the City Council of Córdoba, Sadeco and the University of Córdoba, with the collaboration of Cunext Cooper, Embacor and Revelociona, the cycle will start at 9:30.

Mayor José María Bellido will inaugurate the event, which will feature the participation of experts such as Lola de Toro Jordano and Macario Rodríguez Entrena. The conference will include round tables on the impact of the circular economy in Córdoba, the presentation of innovative projects such as recycling 5.0 by Sadeco and the use of regenerated water by Emacsa.

With institutions, companies and professionals increasingly adopting this sustainable model, the event seeks to consolidate the circular economy as a common practice in the city, changing the way in which products and services are produced and consumed.

Check the full schedule here

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