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CABA asked that the influencer who scaled a building in Puerto Madero pay the cost of the operation

This is how they rescued the Polish influencer who climbed a building in Puerto Madero

It was expected. The City of Buenos Aires will demand that Justice charge Marcin Banot the cost of the operation which culminated in the arrest of the Polish influencer who this Tuesday climbed one of the tallest buildings in Puerto Madero without protection and was rescued by firefighters on the 28th floor. People from the Buenos Aires police and SAME also worked. a prosecutor ordered the arrest of the climber home violation.

First he was the Minister of Security and Justice of the City, Waldo Wolff, which he claimed with a post on the “X” network. “The professionalism of our firefighters in the face of the climber’s recklessness,” he titled his tweet.

And he continued: “I want to congratulate the Special Rescue Group (GER) and the entire public security system of the City for the rescue efficiency of the Polish citizen who was climbing in Puerto Madero. Given the irresponsibility of this subject, who is detained and at the disposal of Justice, the professionalism of our brigades was essential to avoid any tragic outcome. In addition, We will ask the Court that the offender pay the cost of the operation. It is with order.”

Then, the Head of the Buenos Aires Government, Jorge Macrihe retweeted his minister and, after congratulating the rescuers, added: “We will ask Justice to order him to pay for the entire operation. Neighbors do not have to bear the cost of their recklessness”.

This is how Banot (Luciano González) was detained

Judicial sources had clarified to this medium, before the messages from Macri and Wolff, that, for now, the cost of the operation “It is not a criminal charge, but it is assessed to resolve the case”.

Banot was arrested after the rescue and charged by the assistant prosecutor Carlos Caputofrom the East flagrante delicto unit, for the crime of home violation. As explained to this medium, it has a penalty of 6 months to two years of prison. He will be investigated this Wednesday.

It was the prosecutor Caputo who arranged that Banot is arrested, he is informed about Article 36 of Vienna, which is the rights of foreigners; and the GoPro camera is kidnapped with which he filmed his epic. He also requested that he be transferred to police station 1A, located at Suipacha 1156, and that a medical examiner examine him, detailed the sources consulted by this medium.

Puerto Madero: this is how the firefighters worked on the terrace to rescue the Polish influencer

In turn, the prosecutor ordered that communication be maintained with the Polish Embassythat a letter be sent to Migrations and Interpol: In principle there would be no antecedents. In addition, he requested that the personnel intervening in the rescue give a statement, that calls to 911 and photos of the place be requested.

“We don’t know how he got in yet, when they called the police he was already on the 4th floor.”indicated the sources consulted by Infobae and they said that on the property ““No breakages were reported”.

The truth is that on June 6, minutes after 5 p.m., the City Police had to appear at the same building that Banot, 35, climbed today, because the polish influencer was climbing just like he did this Tuesday, but he did not reach his goal. They took it down before.

This is how the Police took away the Polish influencer (Luciano González)

“When the agents arrived at the scene, the Polish influencer was already had been forced to descend by additional police personnel who were in the area,” the sources said. And they added that they consulted the prosecutor on duty, but he decided “not adopt temperament because it did not show criminal behavior”.

However, this Tuesday he did achieve it. Everything was discovered after noon. The residents of Puerto Madero warned about a man who was climbing on his account in an office building without protection and wearing the Argentine National Team shirt: It reached the 28th floor of the 30 that the construction has.

This is how the rescue of the influencer who climbed one of the tallest buildings in Puerto Madero ended

Consequently, personnel from the 1A Neighborhood Police Station mobilized to 200 Ingeniero Della Paolera Street along with a team of City and SAME Firefighters. When they arrived, there was already a large crowd of onlookers who had come to see what was happening.

The building chosen by the Polish influencer belongs to the IRSA company, where offices of several technology companies operate, including Globant. However, the presence of the rescue teams did not alter him and he decided to continue climbing.

Who is the influencer who climbed a building in Puerto Madero

The man’s arrest took almost an hour. This was because the structure of the building he was climbing had glass windows that did not allow personnel to enter anywhere.

In this sense, to proceed with his rescue, the agents requested the presence of a polish translator in order to be able to communicate with the influencer, who is dedicated to making content of this style and shares it on their social networks.

The urban climber Marcin Banot defines himself on social networks as a lover of mate

They intercepted him shortly before he managed to reach the top, as part of a procedure in which personnel from the Special Horse Rescue Group and Special Federal Rescue Brigade (BEFER)who rescued and secured him.

On his Instagram account (@bnt_fhuj_hd) he defines himself as Urban Climbing and is shown climbing tall buildings around the world. The videos he uploads are shared with his more than 290 thousand followers and have thousands of views.

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