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Katherine Miranda says that Gustavo Petro’s attacks for denouncing the ‘express expropriation’ endanger his “life and integrity”

Katherine Miranda, representative to the Chamber for the Green Alliance, responds to criticism from President Gustavo Petro for her role in denouncing the so-called ‘express expropriation’ that was going to be included in the National Development Plan.

“I thought it was going to be the senators and landowner representatives who were going to stop and oppose, but she was a representative to the Chamber of Bogotá, which claims to be progressive, very Green. I said: ‘No, well, with the modernity of Bogotá it is impossible for it not to know the need for agrarian reform.’“said the president about Miranda.

And I add: “But he behaved worse than a landowner, because he hid the proposals on the desk and prevented Colombia from improving its laws. Precisely, to comply with the peace agreements that had been signed in 2016. The idea that agrarian reform could be carried out in depth in these years was rejected.”

The congresswoman, in her X account, clarified that she did not hide any articles. Instead, she recalled that she denounced the proposal to the media.

“I did not hide any items of land, on the contrary, “When the Minister of Agriculture presented the express expropriation to me informally, I went to the media to denounce it,” said the Green Alliance parliamentarian.

He also highlighted that it was “an expropriation that was carried out in 20 days.”

“On any property, eliminating due process, the right to defend property was carried out with public force,” he stated.

And he told the president that both the national government and the congressmen of the Historical Pact “denied” the authorship of the articles and assured that “it was not official.”

“Why didn’t they have the courage to present the proposal in plenary? “The Historical Pact has 45 congressmen and none was able to defend it,” the representative questioned the House.

Furthermore, he added that his seat is to “defend the Political Constitution and there it clearly says that private property is guaranteed in Colombia.”

Finally, the congresswoman, who has shown her independence from the Government in recent years, warned that she believes she is in danger.

“The president’s accusations endanger my life and integrity,” he said, concluding a post on X.

The President of the Republic responded, ensuring that what he says is “a lie.”

“Articles 31, 32 and 33 of Law 160 of 1994 are not an ‘express expropriation’. Politics cannot be done with lies,” Petro expressed on his social networks.

And he added that by “preventing rapid agrarian reform, with mandatory commercial purchases, as is done with the large highways and trunks of TransMilenio, but with unproductive fertile lands for the poor peasantry and feeding the people, The agrarian reform agreed with the FARC in 2016 was explicitly prevented from carrying out, which is today a unilateral declaration of the State. That is, a commitment from Colombia to humanity.”

Finally, he told the congresswoman that among liberal people “it is a true contradiction with the principles that defended the agrarian reform since Murillo Toro, passing through Uribe Uribe. Santos Pumarejo, Gabriel Turbay, Gaitán and the Lleras brothers. A total contradiction with progressivism and peace.”

And he concluded with a strong message: “President, it looks very bad for you to make a RT where they practically treat me like a son of a bitch. I have ALWAYS respected you, never expect the same lowness from me.”

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