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Today the master of the order of preachers, Fra Gerard Timoner III OP, is declared an illustrious visitor

The master of the order of preachers Fray Gerard Francisco Timoner III OP is visiting Argentina and Chile and today he will be declared an illustrious visitor in an event that will be held at 4 p.m. at the Santo Tomás de Aquino Catholic University (Unsta), on Calle July 9 165. Fray Timoner, 56 years old, is a native of Daet, Camarines Norte, Philippines; He was ordained a priest in 1995, obtained his bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from the Philippine Dominican Center for International Studies in 1991 and his bachelor’s degree in Theology from UST in 1994. He received his doctorate from the Catholic University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands in 2004. He has been Prior Provincial in the Philippines; Vice Chancellor and Vice Rector of Religious Affairs of the University of Santo Tomas de Manila and Rector of the UST Central Seminary from 2007 to 2012. In 2014, Pope Francis appointed him to the Vatican’s International Theological Commission, established by Pope Paul VI in 1969. to examine questions on doctrinal matters, in particular of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. He was elected Master of the Order of Preachers in 2019, during the 290th elective General Chapter of the Dominicans, held in Vietnam, becoming the first Asian friar to occupy the position and becoming the 88th successor of Santo Domingo de Guzmán, founder of the order of preachers in 1216. At this afternoon’s event, the rector of Unsta, Francisco José López Cruz will declare him an illustrious visitor.

Unsta students will have exclusive access to the contents of LA GACETA

Conferences at UNT: meeting of the Network of legal advisors of universities, tomorrow and Friday

The XLIV Conference of the Network of Legal Advisors of the National Universities (Ajuna) will be held tomorrow and Friday the 14th from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Eugenio Flavio Virla Cultural Center, May 25, 265. The opening will be with words from the Rector of the UNT, Sergio Pagani, and the president of the Network, Augusto González Navarro. The following lectures will be given:

Thursday, at 12: “Universities versus Editorial Law. Some topics for debate” (Dr. Alejandro Caudis, National University of Entre Ríos).

At 3:00 p.m.: “The doctrine of legitimate trust in the face of bad administrative precedent in university praxis” (Dr. Patricia R. Gerbán, National University of Tucumán).

At 6:00 p.m.: “Preliminary reflections on article 33 of the Higher Education Law and the ideas of indoctrination” (Dr. Rafael Clark, National University of La Plata).

Friday: at 9: “Collective Labor Agreement for Non-Teaching Personnel: Review of some topics” (Dr. Alejandro Canals, National University of Córdoba).

At 10: “The incorporation of social or strategic clauses in contracts for the purchase and sale of goods and services and public works” (Dr. Adriana Taller, National University of Rosario).

At 12: “Problems of union protection of teaching staff” (Dr. Ricardo Serafini, Universidad Nacional del Sur).

At 3:00 p.m.: “Limits to freedom of expression in the university environment. Offensive messages. Hate speeches” (Dr. Guillermo E. Cony, National University of Moreno).

At 4:00 p.m.: “Balance on the treatment of the problem of gender violence in Universities.”

Blood donor: day on Friday, in the courtyard of the Rectorate

On the occasion of World Blood Donor Day, on Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., a blood donation day will be held within the framework of the UNT Saludable program. The Minister of Health will be in the Rectorate’s courtyard at 11.

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